The family history of Mary Ann Schneider, my father's mother, is the
subject of this web site.
Please note that you can view any picture on this web site in a larger size by clicking on the
This site is maintained by Larry Feldhaus.
Click on this link to go to my genealogy home page.
Search this web site using the text box below.
Much of the information in this web site comes from others who have graciously
contributed facts and photos.
I want to especially thank Kathleen Sudduth Niedergeses (daughter-in-law of Josephine
Orth Niedergeses) , Clara Boulie Dossett (daughter of Ann Theresa Feldhaus Boulie) who have provided an extraordinary amount
of support to this web site as well as Robert Raymond Sutter (son of Henry Antone Sutter) who has provided information on
the Sutter family and several excellent old photographs of the Feldhaus and Sutter family.
If you would like to provide information or pictures for this web site you can email me by clicking on this