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of a Pioneer in Louisiana My object is to write something
in regard to my family as far back as I have any recollection and can remember what I have been told by my mother. My father, Joseph Philips,
was the youngest of seven children -- two daughters and five sons. My father
was born in 1763, and raised in North Carolina, coming to Tennessee in 1791. My
mother, Milbrey Horn (her maiden name) was born in 1764 was also from North Carolina. They were married in 1785. They had nine children, three sons and six daughters. The eldest, Mary Philips, married Jesse Wharton from
Virginia, a young lawyer of talents and great energy who represented the State in Congress twice and afterwards was elected
United States Senator. Sally Philips married in
1807 William Williams from North Carolina, a lawyer of great worth. His parents being wealthy, much time was spent on his
education. A gentleman in every respect.
His attention was turned more to farming than the practice of law. They lived to old age, my sister to be seventy,
and her husband eighty-six. Mr. Williams’ mother was ninety-six. Rebecka died quite an infant
in 1792. Martha Philips (born in 1792) in 1809 married Thomas Martin, an Irishman by birth, raised in County Down, leaving
his native country when he was 19 years old, and landing in New York in 1800. He
left Ireland during the rebellion, having taken an active part in favor of his party.
He was taken prisoner but made his escape by some means. He was pursued
and followed to his father’s home. Not able to catch him, they burned down
every house on his father’s place. Having a relation who was captain of
a vessel that was to sail the next day, he went there that night, the captain concealed him, and they left the next day. Henry Philips was born in
1797. At the age of 16 my father sent him to college. He remained there
until he was nineteen. Then he engaged in the mercantile business, but very soon after was taken sick and died in his 20th
year. A young man of character & much beloved by all his friends. My sister Margaret Philips
born 1799. Married Josiah Williams
a gentleman of unblemished character. They raised a large family of sons &
daughters. My sister died 1844 leaving 12 children. Mr. Williams died 1851. Blessed are the dead that die in the
Lord. Joseph Philips born 1802 died 1803. William D. Philips born 1804. The youngest of the family. Married 1825
to S. T. Clark. Entelligent & amiable in all her ways. Truly did I love her. She past away soon to be with her Father
in heaven. In 1828 he married Eliza Dwyre.
Born & raised in Dublin Ireland, a lovely & charming lady, died 1872.
When I married Mr. Martin
he was living in Clarkesville, engaged in mercantile business with Mr. Reynolds. Soon
after our marriage, Mr. Reynolds & my husband concluded to give up that business & go south where farming would be
profitable. Lousiana was their preference.
They purchased on Buy & Tech Allacapa, La., remaining there 10 months. My
husband returned home, on October 1810, having a little boy to welcome his return. The next winter we embarked
on a flat boat for our home in Louisiana, leaving Nashville Feb. 4, 1811, a long tedious passage of eight weeks, stopping
at Natchez a few days. We were frequently annoyed by the Indians when landing at evening, which we were always compelled to
do. All on the left of the Mississippi was owned by the Chickasaw and Choctaw
Indians. Where Memphis and Vicksburg are was then Chickasaw Bluff and Walnut Hills. Well do I remember the appearance of each
place as it was pointed out to me by our old captain on the boat. We had considerable trouble,
after leaving the Mississippi, passing through bayous and lakes. Many places looked as if a boat had never been there before.
Alligators were so numerous it was great sport shooting them in every direction. We landed Sunday at Mr. Reynolds’,
just below our home. He very soon came out to welcome us. Mr. Martin in return presented him our little boy, who was called James Reynolds after him. Our meeting
was mutually agreeable. I assure you we were glad to get on land and be at our
long looked for home. All welcomed us with joy. The country was principally prarie, and at that season of the year everything
looked well. Cotton and sugar were the principal products of that part of Louisiana, orange trees bearing and blooming all
the year, and vegetables of all kinds growing in abundance. The mode of making sugar in those days was by grinding the cane
by mules, which was tedious. From two to three barrels a day were considered good work but always commanded a fair price.
So long as the war between Great Britian and the United States lasted, which was 1812 to 1815, the cotton was cheap, but sugar
commanded a good price. So soon as peace was made cotton went up from $7.OO to
$25.OO and $3O.OO. The first summer and fall I spent there we had frequent attacks of fever.
In November we lost our darling little boy James, which was sorrow indeed for a young mother away from all her family
except my dear husband. Dear child, the Lord has taken him and I can say that
it was my first treasure laid up in Heaven where we shall all meet hereafter. The country was settled by
French, Spaniards, and Indians principally, when we went there. Very soon many from Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi came
and purchased. Having plenty made quite a favorable change In our Bayou. Three
or four Irish families living near us, Mr. Martin gave the place the name of Irish Bend, and it goes by that name today. Three
brothers by the name of Sumner from Tennessee (connections of mine) purchased a large plantation very near ours the year after
our arrival, also Dr. Henning from Nashville, which greatly added to our society and the appearance of things in general. Our communication
with New Orleans was by small schooners, passing across Berwick Bay and up the Lafourche to the Mississippi seventy-five miles
above the city. We lived ten miles from the Gulf and two from Grand Lake. Being just between them we always had a fine breeze.
By sending to the Bay we got oysters in abundance. Game of all kinds was
numerous and fish -- nothing to do but throw your line in the Bayou. The red fish we often got from the Indians, and they
were superior to any other. They often brought us game. Soon after we got home, Alexander
Porter, a young lawyer from Nashville, came to see us. He had gone with my husband to that country the year before. He found on his arrival that he would not be able to practice his profession until he could speak French.
In six months he was perfect in that language and very soon made a brilliant display of his talents, realizing a handsome
fortune in a short time. He married Miss Baker of that Parish. Six years after their marriage Mrs. Porter died while on a visit to his friends in Nashville, leaving two
daughters. Soon after, Judge Porter left for his native country, Ireland, his little daughters with him, leaving them there
to be educated. Soon after his return he was elected United States Senator. His
daughters returned, but lived only a short time. He left Washington and, returned
home to his large estate in Louisiana. There he died and was brought to Nashville and buried by his wife. His fortune he left
to his only brother James Porter, except fifty pounds, that was left to the poor in the parish where he was born in Ireland,
annually for ten years. Mrs. James Porter is now living on the farm that my husband purchased in 1810. During our stay in Louisiana
we raised cotton, sugar, corn, and, rice, which all grew to perfection, finding a market in New Orleans for all we could make.
Two years after our arrival we were blessed by the birth of a little girl, whom I called Jane. Of course we thought her beautiful
and lovely, as all mothers are alike in that respect. During the War the planters
often could not obtain certain articles that were necessary for them to have. Mr. Martin, Mr. Sumner, Mr. Patten, Mr. Caffery
and. others concluded to take a schooner and go where they had heard they could obtain those things. They purchased what they
required and were returning home. The second night a terrible storm came on. They dropped anchor and remained until daylight.
The pilot thought they might set sail with safety, but very soon they found the vessel sinking. They threw a portion of iron
out but still they found there was no hope of saving it. Having a yawl and. being only half a mile from land, all got in except
three or four. Mr. Sumner, Mr. Patten, the pilot, and a servant of ours remained on the vessel, a part of it being out of
water. After getting on the beach, Mr. Caffery and one of the sailors returned, and found Mr. Sumner, his arms around a plank,
drowned. Mr. Patten and, the pilot were not to be found. The servant was hanging on the mast perfectly insensible. They were
brought ashore and Mr. Sumner was buried on the Island. The boy recovered. They were all left ashore without any provisions
and had only a small yawl in which to get home. They left the next morning, making slow progress. Two days after, they saw
some vessels ashore, and immediately made for them. Mr. Martin concluded it was most prudent for one of them to go and ascertain
who they were. He went himself and found it was LaFitte, the pirate. He made his situation known, and immediately LaFitte
sent for them and treated them with all the kindness possible, taking them aboard his vessel and giving them a bountiful breakfast.
Mr. Martin related their unfortunate disaster to him and how far they were from home. He had a schooner made ready and provisions
put on and all that was necessary. He inquired of Mr. Martin if he had a family. He replied “I have a wife and one child.”
He sent me a demijohn of Madeira wine and the first pineapple cheese I ever saw. He told my husband that the schooner was
a present to him. I will say something more about the pirate hereafter. It was several days before they reached home. My husband had lost his hat when leaving the sinking vessel and Lafitte had supplied
him with a cap and cape attached, which was very acceptable in December. Mrs. Sumner, my next neighbor was with me the evening
before they arrived home. We were fearful some accident had happened, as they were gone much longer than we expected. It came
soon indeed for her. I never witnessed greater grief and sorrow. Long did she moan for her dear husband. She was the mother
of two little boys. His brother sent for his remains which were brought and buried at his home in 1813. The brothers were dissatisfied,
offered their plantation for sale, and soon found a purchaser, Dr. Duncan of New Orleans. They returned to Tennessee the next
year. My health not being good, I often would tell my husband a visit to my old home would be all that I required. My
physician thought a trip to the seashore was all that was necessary. We left in a few days, several of our neighbors
going with us, taking tents and everything in the way of cooking. Gen. McCall and family, who went out each season, were with
us. I found it pleasant -- plenty of oysters and good company. We remained there three weeks. My little Jane was much benefitted
by the trip, but my heart was set on going to Tennessee, the only place where I could find good health. On our return I received
a letter from my father, urging us to come up and spend the summer at my old home. The invitation was readily accepted. In June we left for Nashville,
taking two servants. A neighbor, Mr. Theall, travelling for his health, was going to Tennessee and we were pleased to have
his company. The first night we spent with a friend, Mr. Crow. The next day we got to Berwick Bay, having to cross that at
night, on account of storms and wind, the latter always being too high in the day to attempt crossing. There we learned that
the pirate LaFitte had been taken prisoner and sent to New Orleans but had very soon made his escape. A large reward was offered
to arrest him. I think certainly he made some friends. We crossed the bay that night on a platform laid on two barges. At
two o’clock in the morning we landed at Breshar City, I having a letter
to the landlady from her father. I sent it to her by a servant. She immediately came out of her room to see me and received
me with kindness and attention. The table was all ready for those that had crossed the bay and all as well as myself enjoyed
our supper. We were a mixed company, Americans, French, Spanish, and. Indiana. We went upstairs to a large room with berths
all round like those on a steamboat. It was late in the morning when we got up. All had gone down and taken their breakfast.
The lady had told me the night before to take my rest in the morning and not to hurry
as I could get my breakfast at any time. My little Jane was not well and. I told the servant to remain until I sent for her. We went down and at the foot
of the stairs a servant approached us. I think he was a Spaniard. He inquired if that was Mr. Martin, and. said there was
a gentleman that wished to see him. He took me in the dining room and then followed the servant. Our breakfast was ready in
a few moments. The lads observed, “Will you wait for your husband?” I
replied, “He will be in very soon.” I sat down and commenced eating, and after a while Mr. Martin came in. The
lady sent up for my baby. Soon after breakfast we left. I think we were twenty or twenty five miles from Donaldsonville. When we got there Mr. Martin told me he had business with some gentlemen, which would
delay him but a short time. While there we got our dinner. I often inquired who it was that he stopped to see at Donaldsonville,
but he always evaded answering me. Some time after he told me it was Lafitte,
the pirate that was concealed and wished him to take some letters to Donaidsonville. On entering the room, LaFitte talked
to him, saying, “Sir, I think I can trust you.” Knowing him, his reply was, You can. Your kindness to me cannot
be forgotten and whatever I can do for you will be done with pleasure.” “Will
you deliver those letters to such gentleman as I direct living in Donaldsonville?” Giving him all the necessary information,
he handed him the letters saying, “Sir, I learned you were here early this morning. I immediately concluded to put those
letters in your charge and I feel that they will be safely delivered,” Mr. Martin was always quiet on the subject. The
next place we heard of LaFitte, he was fighting the British in New Orleans in favor of the Americans. Having relatives at Natchez, Dr. McCreary and family, we remained there several
days. When leaving there the doctor and my cousin went some miles with us. The doctor reminded my husband of the need of getting
a pass from the Governor to carry our servants through the Indian Nation, as that was during the war. We passed through Washington
where the Governor lived. Mr. Martin recollected he had neglected getting the necessary pass. Mr.Theall proposed taking his
horse and he would drive on slowly until his return. We were about twenty-five
miles from Natchez. Crossing Bear Creek, our horse got frightened, running up a very steep bank which did not check him in
the least. I thought my only hope of saving myself and chiild would be to jump out. I threw her out as I made the leap, but
that leap was awful for me. My left limb was terribly broken in the ankle joint, both bones crushing through my gaiters. My little Jane received no
injury whatever. Mr. Theall had his arm and several of his ribs badly broken. So soon as my servant came to me, I sent him
back for my husband. As we were in a part of the country thickly settled, in a short time many were there to give us assistance
and carried me to the nearest house. Very soon after, Mr. Martin came. Finding me suffering greatly, he gave full vent to
his feelings, which made me feel more sensible of my terrible situtation. Two doctors were immediately sent for. They examined
the shattered limb and very soon announced their opinion that amputation would be necessary to save my life. My husband would
not consent to that but sent for Dr. McCreary, our relative that we had left that morning. During the night I was threatened
with lockjaw. That alarmed my husband and he told the doctors to act according to their judgment. Immediately preparations
were made, just as the sun rose. My heart seemed about to burst. I felt like soul and body were about to separate. My darling
child was brought to me. I thought best to take my last leave of her. My dear husband, his trouble and sorrow no one knew
but himself. He wished to know if I had any particular wish to make. I told him my heart clung to my dear little babe. “Take
her home to my mother; it is all of myself I have to give her.” I was taken out on the gallery and laid on a table.
The operation soon commenced. Chloroform was not used in
those days and my suffering was only known to my God and myself. Soon after the operation Dr. McCreary arrived. He said that
on account of the terrible break, the warm climate, and the season of the year (June), it was certainly the safest thing that
could be done to save my life. We remained at that house twelve days. Mr. Caradine, a gentleman
living near, proposed having me moved to his house, which was done. Mrs. Caradine preparing a small bed, I was carried with
great ease to myself. In that family I received all the kindness and attention that could have been given to a near relative.
They had no children, only a sister living with them. Their love and affection for my little Jane was something to me that
I really prized. We remained at the Caradines’ six weeks. During that time Dr. McCreary often visted me. He said so soon
as I could leave, he would come and take me to his home and I would remain until I could leave for Tennessee. Knowing that my health would not permit of my travelling at that time, Mr. Martin had disposed of our wild
horse and got one perfectly gentle. When leaving for the doctor’s,
he insisted that I should get in his buggy with him, which I did. About five miles from his place we saw many Indians sitting
immediately on the road. When they saw us, they rose up; the horse was frightened and kicked until he broke the entire front
of the carriage. Not thinking of my situation, I stood up on one foot and leaped out, falling on the end of my amputated limb,
crushing the bones through which had not yet healed. Blood flowed from the wound, like water flowing from a pitcher. Had the
doctor not been with us I could have survived but a short time. He stopped the flow of blood by using a torniquet, He was
slightly injured by a kick from the horse on his leg. I was put in our own buggy and went on, arriving at the doctorts
at ten o’clock that night. For two weeks I was confined to my bed. Inflammation was so great the doctor feared part
of the limb would have to be taken off. My husband mentioned it to me. I told him never. I preferred death rather than to
undergo that suffering again. But with great care and. skill in two weeks I was up. We remained in Natchez until
the first of September. My father, learning of m~ situation, sent down Mr. Barnes, a man he had great confidence in, and two
horses to assist in getting vie to my old home, the only mode of travel at that time.. Soon after his arrival we left for
Tennessee. Mr. Martin had. sent to New Orleans and. had me a cork leg made, which rendered me great assistance, but still
I had to use crutches. We had about four hundred miles to travel through the Indian
Nation, Chickasaws,and Choctaws. Many white families were living among them that had been sent there by the Government. The first night after leaving the doctor’s,
we stayed at the home of our dear friend, Mr. Caradine. They received us most affectionately. The next
day we got to Fort Gibson, stopping at Mr. Mortner’s, a friend of my husband’s.
We remained there two days. In a few miles of their place
we found ourselves in the Indian Nation. Wherever we stopped, they treated us with great kindness, as they would if you showed
that you had great confidence in them. Traveling on, we heard a tremendous howling and yelling. Going near, we found about
fifty sitting on the grass with their blankets over them, mourning for a chief whom they had just buried. Near the line between
the two nations, we stopped to stay all night. Finding a great number there,
the agent soon told us that they were to have a War Dance there that night and leave the next morning for Pensacola. It was
truly a night long to be remembered. The Dance commenced, both male and female, and continued until after midnight. About
sunrise they stood up and made all join hands, childrern and all, going round and round, crying and yelling. Soon after, they
made ready f or their departure. Taking leave of their wives and children, they concluded with awful groans and yells. They
left and were soon out of sight. The squaws appeared to mourn their departure. I will relate a circumstance
that happened that day. Crossing a large creek, the horse stopped to drink. I set Jane in her fatherts lap, my
crutches being fastened just before me. I deliberately took them and threw them in the stream and, they disappeared very soon.
My husband looked at me with astonishment. I told him I could not stand the sight of them any longer. He very gently reproved
me, saying “How will you get along without them?” From that
day to this I have had no use for them. Wherever we stopped, they
gave us our supper — venison, potatoes, and coffee. Having provisions along, we always had, plenty. We stopped one morning
where a white family had been sent to teach the Indians how to spin and weave. The lady met me saying, “I have heard
of your misfortune; your husband will never love you the less, as beautiful and young a creature as you are.” They were
all kindness and attention to me and my little Jane. The next morning we got our
breakfast at James Colbert’s, the Indian Chief. He and his wife had a few days before returned from Washington. He said
his visit there with many others was to have a talk with their father, the President, in regard to sending his subjects to
fight the British. Mrs. Colbert was delighted with her trip, said the President gave them a dinner and all the fashionable
gentlemen and ladies were there. She was quite fashionably dressed, except for being bare footed. We got a most excellent
breakfast. Mr. Colbert invited us to stay several days and rest. She gave me a lunch for my little Jane that lasted several
days. Two days after, we stopped
at a house, expecting to stay all night, but the doors were all open and things had every appearance of being left in a hurry.
We went on about two miles and camped in the woods, the only night we were out of a house during our journey. The servants
made a fire and were preparing our supper when Mr. Toplin, the mail carrier, rode up, got down, and took his coffee, ham,
and crackers with us. He told us we were fortunate in not being along two days before, as a party of Creek Indians had passed
along killing every one they met. The next night we got to a place called Big Spring. There we found a great many Indians
who had come there to protect the place. Three nights before, many of those Creek Indians had passed there. The families heard
that they were coming that route where they had passed before, and so left. That night seven boatmen, who had gone down the
Mississippi in their flat boats, sold out their produce, were returning home. They stopped at that place and five of the seven
were killed. Their graves were near the house where they were buried that day. They gave us supper -- turkey, corn, and potatoes.
Mr. Martin asked the old Indian if he would let me and my child sleep in his house, but he would not consent. It is their
custom not to allow strangers to sleep in the house with the family. I, not knowing the danger we were exposed to, slept in
the house with not less than fifty Indians and many of them drunk. My husband, Mr. Barnes, and the servants sat up all
night. The next night we were twelve
miles from Columbia, Tenn. There we felt secure from danger. The night after, we stayed at Franklin. Leaving early the next
morning, we went sixteen miles to my brother-in-law’s, Mr. Wharton, four miles from Nashville. That evening we left
f or my old home. Father and my little brother met us in town. On my arrival I found all the family there that I had left
except two dear sisters, Mary and Charlotte, who had passed away. Our meeting was sad, my mother and sisters wept, but it
was joy on my part that I had arrived at the home I had toiled so long to get to. My little Jane was caressed by all with
a love of great affection. My little brother called her his dear loving sister. My parents would not let
Mr. Martin think of taking me back to Louisiana. Finally he concluded to remain in Tennessee, which I greatly preferred. In
November Mr. Martin left for our southern home, going with the army that was leaving Nashville for New Orleans, commanded
by Generals Coffey and Carroll, all on flat boats. They arrived in the city December 22, I814, and I think the battle commenced
the next day and continued until the 8th of January, 1815. In that battle Gen. Jackson gained a victory that crowned him with
laurels which never faded through life. Soon after my husband left,
my sister Margaret married Mr. J. Williams. I remained at my father’s until Mr. Martin returned, which was in April,
1815. He had leased his place in Louisiana until a favorable time to sell. During the Summer he purchased the place I am now
living in. In July we had a little daughter added to our family. My mother named her Mary for my dear sister, Mrs. Wharton.
My dear Jane was delighted, having a little sister to love. Mr. Martin improved the place
he had purchased and we moved to it in January, 1816. During that year there was much sickness throughout the country, called
the cold plague. Very:few ever recovered who were attacked with the terrible disease and many families were all taken; it
was more fatal than cholera. In 1817 we made fine crops,
cotton, corn, tobacco, and hemp. Many houses were built up in Nashville. Our merchants were principally Irish, establishing
large mercantile houses and realizing handsome fortunes in a few years. The first steamboat came
to Nashville, I think, in 1816. The goods were brought in wagons. Some two years after, the steamboats commenced running regularly. In August we had three little
girls in our family, Jane, Mary, and Elizabeth. In the winter of 1818, Mr.
Martin carried his cotton to New Orleans. While there, he sold his plantation to
James Porter. Soon after his return, he purchased Mr.J. Jackson’s farm a mile and a half from the city on the Gallatin
Pike, handsomely improved, paying forty dollars an acre. This place he rented to different persons for many years, generally
cultivating the land himself, which always yielded abundantly. The splendid spring was the attraction. In May, 1822, my father died
leaving my brother William the old homestead, one thousand acres, twentyfive negroes, stock of all kinds and every necessity
for farming, valued at $4O,OOO, my mother getting a life interest. The balance went to his daughters. In June, 1822, I gave birth
to William P. In September, 1824, Thomas D. was born; in March, 1827, Susan P.; and in October, 1832, Sarah W. Mr. Martin made it a rule
to purchased all land joining ours that was for sale. His first purchase was three hundred and twenty acres, and he added
at different times six hundred or five hundred and sixty acres. He took great pride
in having comforts and conveniences around him; a large barn, mill and gin house, stock of all kinds, particularly fine horses
and a handsome carriage. My
eldest daughter, Jane, married Mr. McIver in 1833. He was truly a gentleman of polished manners. His father, Scotchman by
birth, had been raised in affluence and wealth. His pleasing manners won him friends wherever he traveled. His eldest son,
Evander McIver, married my niece, Elizabeth Williams, who died in ten days after their marriage. Mr.
McIver owned one of the handsomest farms in Rutherford County, where his father and mother both died. Mrs. Graham, his twin
sister, married Major D. Graham, a gentleman of nobleworth, serving his country as a statesman in many honorable positions.
His widow is now living with my eldest grandson, Evander McIver. In
1834 my daughter Mary married. Major R. Dance, a Virginian by birth, a gentlemen in every respect. He showed. all the love
and attention that could have been bestowed on a delicate wife. They had one little boy, Thomas, who died very young. Her
health declining, the physician advised him to take her travelling. He went north and spent the summer, her sister Elizabeth
accompanying them. The next winter she spent in New Orleans. She returned. home in May and died in June, 1837. The next winter Major Dance had, a hemorrhage from the lungs and was compelled
to give up all business, so he came to the country and remained with me until his death in October, 1838. In November, 1835, my dear
husband was taken with a violent cough and constant fever, which lasted two weeks. Every attention was shown him by his friends
and physicians to keep him with us, but God is just in all his ways. My home was desolate. I had everything in the way of
living abundance, but his presence was all to me. In October, 1839, my daughter
Elizabeth married Dr. John Seip, a young graduate from the Medical Institute at Philadelphia, where he had. been for many
years. His father died at Natchez and his mother was left with one child in very delicate health. Her husband’s dying
request was that she should return to her native state by sea and in all possibility regain her health. But alas, it was only
to get there and die. I knew his mother before her marriage; a most accomplished and intelligent lady. She was sister to Dr.
McCreary of Natchez. Dr. Seip purchased a plantation on Red River, Louisiana, where I visited them often. In 1855 he died,
leaving his widow and four children -- one son and three daughters. In 1840 I concluded that
it was most advisable for me to live in Nashville, as my two youngest daughters should be at school. I purchased a house and
lot and moved in. My sons I sent to Kentucky to school. Susan had been going
to the Academy for two years. I still kept her there; she progressed rapidly in her studies and music, In 1843 her health
was delicate, so Dr. Dickinson advised me to send her south and let her spend the winter with her sister Mrs. Seip, which
she did. Her health greatly improved and they all insisted that she should remain longer. Thinking I should go down the next
winter, I let her remain. During the summer I received
letters asking my consent for her marriage to Mr. James T. Flint, a young lawyer of considerable talents and good position,
ranking among the first at the Bar. In 1844 they came to Nashville and spent the summer and fall with me. I often visited
them in their southern home, which was a great pleasure to me. In 1853 Mr. Flint died with yellow fever, leaving my daughter
Susan with five children -- two sons and, three daughters. They were living on a large plantation at the time of his death.
My daughter still remained on the place. In 1855 I went down to visit her. I remained until the summer of 1856. During my
stay just two years after Mr. Flint’s death, my daughter and two of her children died with that awful scourge, yellow
fever. I was appointed administrix. We had, a family meeting and, it was decided the plantation and. all the negores should
be sold, which brought $140,00O. The debts being considerable took the largest portion of the proceeds. So soon as I could
leave there, I returned to my home bringing the children, Elizabeth, James, and Emma, with me. I put the two eldest at school
and returned the next year. There were about 200 hogsheads of sugar and some cotton that had been reserved and sold, after
the sale of the plantation. I lent a part of the proceeds to a gentleman and took a mortgage on his plantation and negroes
to secure the debt. The War coming on and the interest increasing, I was finally compelled to have the place sold, which brought
the full amount of the debt, bidding it in myself. The brothers and sisters are now living in comfort on that farm, after
being with me nearly twenty years. They concluded to return to the state where they were born, LouisIana. My youngest daughter, Sarah,
after leaving school spent much time with her sisters in Louisiana. In 1853, I
paid Mrs. Seip and Mrs. Flint a visit, intending to bring Sarah home with me. Going down, I found her on the eve of marrying
Mr. R. Tanner, a planter of home. Her surroundings were comfortable and, abundant.
I had concluded to remain with her that summer. Receiving a letter from home informing me of Mr. McIver’s bad health,
I immediately concluded to return, which I did. Two days before I reached home, I heard of his death. I found my daughter,
Mrs. Mclver, with an infant only one week old. In October, 1853, dear Sarah passed away to a home of rest where there are
no partings. Her death was truly a lasting shock to me. At the same time that I heard of her death, Mr. Flint’s was
announced, one on the fourth and. the other on the seventeenth of the same month. In the spring Mr. Tanner paid me a visit,
remaining a short time. In January, 1861, in company
with Mary McIver, and Elizabeth, James, and Emma Flint, I embarked on the steamboat James Johnson for New Orleans. Arriving
there, we took passage on the Mary T. for Alexandria. Not long after our arrival there,
Evander McIver came down. Mrs. Seip had. one son, Fred, and. two daughters. Joseph
Philips was there from Nashville. These, with my party, made everything gay and cheerful. War between the North and South
commenced; all was excitement. The young ladies tried who could excell in making the handsomest suit of clothes for the soldiers.
Miss Chambers, who had just married Mr. Elgee, gave her elegant wedding gown to make a Confederate Flag. Mary McIver gave
Louisiana, a young man of correct habits and good family. He lived about forty or forty-five miles from Alexandria. I visited
her at her new much of her time in completing it. I saw it the day it was completed and when it was presented to the Company. Thomas Martin my son who
had served two years in the Mexican War gave much of his time to recruiting. Many companies left Alexandria while we were
there. Evander McIver thought it most advisable to return home. Then he would
come to some decision in regard to joining the army. The first of June we left, leaving Elizabeth and James Flint. When they
got to the city, all seemed to think they were perfectly safe. When we arrived at Memphis, they were blockading the town.
There we had. to leave the Mississippi and take the cars for Nashville. Arriving there, Evander got a hack and we went to
his mother’s, finding all well, delighted to see us return to our home. Nothing was thought or talked about but the
War. Tennessee had seceded and they were making preparations for the defence of our town, blockading every hill around Nashville. The steamboat that we had, gone down on the winter before and many others
were turned into gun boats. Companies were leaving every day for Kentucky or other points. In the winter a Texas Regiment
came to Nashville and many of the poor soldiers were left there, never to return. The first battle that was near, up on the
Cumberland River, the Confederates met with a considerable defeat. General Zollicoffer and many brave soldiers were killed
there. Evander Mclver was in that battle, and lost his horse (that he called Jeff Davis), his trunk, and everything except
what was on his person. I will say nothing more about the War, as it is a subject all are familiar with and its final result. In 1866 I paid my last visit
in the south. Mrs. Seip had. just returned from Texas where she had fled with the hope of keeping her negros. While she was
there she had five hundred bales of cotton and, a handsome residence destroyed by the Federals, together with the gin house
and mill. I found them living in the cabins, quite cheerful, with the hope of making a good crop and getting a high price
for their cotton. But alas, their hopes were all blasted. The overflow in June and the caterpillars in September blasted all
their hopes. I spent much of my time with my son and his family. The most of his place was above high water. A great deal
of sickness was throughout the parish. I had always enjoyed good health before, but now for six months I never saw a well
day. Thomas went out with a party to the pinewoods fishing and returned very ill. He said he had severe chills. Soon after
he got home, he was taken with a congestive chill and died that evening leaving a widow and five children, All those trials
are truly sad but make me more willing to depart and be with Christ, my Lord and Saviour.
Rest, rest for the weary. by Martha Philips Martin from The Battle Book Ch. VI In the spring of 1825, General
Lafayette visited Nashville, and well do I remember his noble and pleasant manner of receiving all who were introduced to
him. My husband was among those who were appointed to receive him and his party. Taking our little girls into town, we spent
some days at our friend Mr. Stewart’ s home. There was a handsome arch
erected across the street near the public square, and a large platform on which to welcome him. General Jackson, Genera].
Lafayette, and George Washington Lafayette were in an open carriage drawn by four handsome gray horses. Governor Carroll welcomed
them with much feeling and pleasure. The old Revolutionary soldiers came from every part of the state to shake hands with
the old General, who had come across the waters to see them. I saw one old soldier who
threw his arms around him with that love of gratitude not often remembered saying, “You have not forgotten the soldier
who brought a bear to your tent, which I had killed when you were out of provisions!’
And General Lafayette embraced him saying, “Mr. Hagar, is it possible that you are still with us?” That night Nashville was
illuminated, and the next night there was a splendid. ball, which the old and young attended, the ladies displaying the fashions
of the day, their beauty, and their smiles. A place at one end of the room was
raised about three feet for the old ladies and, our visitors. On this platform were seated: General Lafayette with Mrs. Jackson,
General Jackson and. Mrs. Priestley, Mrs. Carroll, George Washington Lafayette, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. McNairy, Dr. Shelby, Mrs.
Minick, and myself. The young people truly enjoyed themselves dancing. Not less than thirty danced the first set. The morning before the ball,
a large party went up to the Hermitage, General Jackson’s home, twelve miles from Nashville, in company with General
Lafayette on a steamboat, and. they fired a salute in passing the home of Dr. Priestley in honor of him, who had so lately
passed away. That night his widow replied very beautifully to General Jackson for his
kind remembrance of her dear husband. About two o’clock the
next day, General Lafayette and his party left for Louisville. Every attention and honor which could be shown our worthy guest
was lavished on them. His visit gave Nashville people something to talk about
long after his departure.
There were many officers
that belonged to the army stationed at Nashville. My father invited them all with their wives out to dine, and well do I remember
their happy, jovial manner. Among them was General Jackson, a noble, elegant looking
gentleman. He wore a long que and, powdered hair, which was the fashion in those days. They all appeared to enjoy the dinner
and drank freely of the old peach brandy which my father always kept. The company returned to Nashville in the evening, apparently
quite well pleased with their visit. My eldest sister, Mary, was then a young lady, much admired and quite pretty. General Jackson being an
old friend of my husband, I feel I must say something in regard to him. As a statesman and a military man, none exceeded him.
In 1824 he was nominated for president of the United States but was defeated. In 1828 he was elected and
in 1832 he had. an overwhelming majority. Mrs. Jackson lived but a short time after he was first elected, which made a great
change in him. He never afterwards had the happy, cheerful look he had before his death. The last time my husband saw him,
he stopped at our home on the Gallatin Pike, with some friends, as he was on his way to Washington at the beginning of his
second term. He looked sad, and he asked my daughter to play and sing “Old Lang Syne”. On his arrival at Washington,
he sent my husband his likeness, which I have now. After his return from Washington,
General Jackson remained. on his farm, his adopted son and his son’s wife living with him. I paid him a visit two weeks
before his death. Although he was not able
to come out of his room, he received me most cordially and inquired for all my family. I sat with him until dinner was announced.
Before leaving, I walked in the garden and when I went inside again to take leave of him, he said: “Have you been in
the garden?” I replied that I had and I gave him a rose which I had in my hand. He took the rose, then took my hand saying, “Farewell, my dear, and may God bless
you.” Two weeks after that visit, I attended his funeral. Mr. Edgar preached from Revelations , verse 14. His likeness was only finished
a few days before his death, taken by a gentleman that had been sent from France for that purpose.
1 1.
THOMAS DWYER1 MARTIN was born on 12 Apr
1780 in Bangor, Down, Northern Ireland. He died on 15 Nov 1835 in Nashville,
Davidson Co., Tennessee, USA (Age at Death: 55 Burial: Nashville City Cemetery
Nashville Davidson County Tennessee, USA). He married Martha "Patsey"
PHILIPS, daughter of Joseph PHILIPS and Milberry HORN, on 24 Sep 1809 in
Nashville, Davidson County, TN. She was born on 11 Dec 1792 in Davidson County,
Tennessee, USA (Eaton's Station). She died on 03 Mar 1886 in Davidson County,
Tennessee, USA (Age: 93). Notes
for Martha "Patsey" PHILIPS: Lived next door to Josiah F. Williams. Moved to Bayou
Teche Allacapa, LA: Feb 4 1811. Moved back to TN: 1814. Her husband left his
native country of Ireland when he was 19 years old and landed in NY in 1800. He
left Ireland during the rebellion, having taken an active part in favor of his
party. He was taken prisoner but made his escape by some means. He was pursued
and followed to his father's home. Not being able to catch him they burned down
every house on his father's place. Having a realtion who was a captain of a
vessel that was to sail the next day, he went there that night and the captain
concealed him and they left the next day. She is buried in the McIver plot, Mt.
Olivet cemetery lot number 97, section 3. There is a story about jewels given
to her by Jean Lafite, the pirate of Battle of New Orleans fame. See separate
piece in files on horrendous tale about her having a leg amputated after a bad
carriage accident when returning from LA to TN. Also includes much family
history. On Sunday morning 28 December 1813, during the War of 1812, Joseph
Sumner, Thomas Martin, a Mr. Patten and a Mr. Coffey and others took a schooner
and set out to find badly needed supplies that were hard to come by because of
the war. They finally found some supplies and were returning home when a
terrible storm came up on their second night out. They dropped anchor and
stayed with the boat until daylight when they thought they might safely' resume
their trip but they soon found their boat to be sinking. They started throwing
things out of the boat hoping they could save it but it was of no use the boat
was slowly sinking. They had a yawl and all except three or four men got in
that. Joseph Sumner, Mr. Patten, the pilot and a servant stayed with the
schooner, a part of which was still out of the water, while the others tried to
make it the half mile. to land to get help. Mr. Coffey, "one of the
sailors," returned later to find Joseph, his arms around a plank, drowned.
Mr. Patten and the pilot could not be found. The servant was hanging on the
most perfectly (insincible?), they brought them ashore. Joseph was buried on a
nearby island. They had lost all their provisions and had only a small yawl
with which to try to get home. Two days later they were rescued by the famous pirate
Jean LaFitte who treated them with the greatest possible kindness, taking them
aboard his vessel and giving them a bountiful breakfast. LaFitte gave them a
schooner and provisions and sent Mr. Martin's wife a dimigon of Madari wine and
"the first pineapple cheese I ever saw." He gave Mr. Martin a warm
cape with a hood attached. In later years when LaFitte was on the run and
decided to surrender he sent a servant to Mr. Martin who arranged for him to
give himself up. "Mrs. Sumner, my nearest neighbor," Mrs. Martin
later wrote, "was with me the evening before they arrived home. We were
fearful some accident had happened being gone much longer than we expected. But
it came soon for her. I never witnessed greater grief and sorrow. Long did she
mourn for her dear husband. She was the mother of two little boys. His brother
sent for his remains which were brought and buried at his home 1813." (I
wonder if the brother referred to was Exam or maybe Duke W.). (Taken from the
Memoirs of Martha Philips Martin on microfilm in the Tennessee State Library
and Archives). The above Martha Philips Martin was the daughter of Joseph
Philips and his wife, Milbury Horn. In her memoirs she gives a vivid account of
her life and times and much information about her family. She was born in 1792
and married Thomas Martin in 1809. He was from County Down, Ireland, and landed
in New York in 1800. This family was close friends to Andrew Jackson who
visited their home on more than one occasion. Mrs. Martin tells of visiting him
shortly before he died. Joseph John Sumner's remains were brought home to
Nashville and buried at "Sylvan Hall" the home of Captain Joseph
Philips, Revolutionary soldier. The farm is located on Dickerson Pike, 6 miles
north of Nashville, Tennessee. His tombstone reads: "Beneath this
inscription lies the unfortunate Joseph John Sumner who was born August 14,
1780 and perished in the Gulf of Mexico on the Morning of December 28, 1813
...." Buried beside him is a son, William Henry Sumner, September 24,
1813, June 30, 1816. From Archives of Nashville, TN. Thomas Dwyer Martin
and Martha "Patsey" PHILIPS had the following children:
MARTIN was born on 26 Jul 1810 in Clarksville, Tennessee. He
died in 1811 in Louisiana, USA.
was born in 1813 in Louisiana, USA (Plantation at Bayou Teche). She died on
02 Jun 1897 in Davidson,
Davidson, Tennessee, United States (Age: 84). She married John McIver, son of John
McIver and Margaret Cooper, in 1833 in Davidson, Tennessee. He was born in
1800. He died in 1853.
MARY PHILIPS MARTIN was born on 22 Jul 1815 in Davidson, Tennessee,
USA. She died on 20
Jun 1837 in Rutherford, Tennessee, United States. She married Maj. Russell R. Dance in
1834. He was born about 1815. He died 3 Oct 1838 in Davidson Co. TN.
Obituary: October 5, 1838
WHARTON MARTIN was born on 10 Aug 1817 in Davidson, Davidson,
Tennessee, USA. She died after 1880 in Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana, USA. She
married Dr. John Seip in 1839. He was born about 1817 in Mississippi. He died
in 1855.
MARTIN was born on 07 Jun 1822 in Davidson, Tennessee, USA
(Never married and no children.). He died on 11 Jan 1886 in Nashville,
Davidson, Tennessee, USA.
was born in Mar 1827 in Davidson, Davidson, Tennessee, USA. She died in 1857 in
Rapides, Louisiana, USA. She married James T. Flint in 1844. He was born about
1827. He died in 1853.
MARTIN SR. was born on 21 Sep 1827 in Nashville, Tennessee
(Locust Grove). He died on 26 Jul 1866 in Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana,
United States. He married (1) MARY AMELIA
BROWN on 22 Aug 1850 in Rapides
Parish, Louisiana. She was born on 06 Aug 1829 in Rapides Parish, Louisiana.
She died on 25 Mar 1913 in Houston, Harris County, Texas. He married (2) THOMAS
D MARTIN on 22 Aug 1850. Thomas D died on 26 Jul 1866.
MARTIN was born on 28 Oct 1832 in Davidson, Tennessee, USA.
She died on 04 Oct 1853 in Louisiana, USA (not quite six months after her
wedding). She married N. Tanner in
1853. He was born about 1832. Generation 2 2. JANE ROBERSON2 MARTIN (Thomas Dwyer1)
was born in 1813 in Louisiana, USA (Plantation at Bayou Teche). She died on 02
Jun 1897 in Davidson, Davidson, Tennessee, United States (Age: 84). She married
John McIver, son of John McIver and
Margaret Cooper, in 1833 in Davidson, Tennessee. He was born in 1800. He died
in 1853. John McIver
and Jane Roberson Martin had the following children:
MCIVER was born in Sep 1834. He died in 1915.
was born in 1836. He died in 1837.
MCIVER was born on 04 May 1838 in Rutherford County, Tennessee. She died on
10 Jan 1917 in Alhambra, Los Angeles, California, USA. She married James Thomas
Patterson on 28 Jan 1858 in Davidson Co., TN. He was born between 1832-1833 in
Davidson Co., TN. He died in 1883 in Nashville, TN.
was born in 1840. She died in 1862.
MCIVER was born on 23 Oct 1842 in Rutherford, Tennessee, USA. She died on 23
Mar 1906 in Davidson, Davidson, Tennessee, USA.
MCIVER was born in 1845. He died in 1881.
"JENNIE"MCIVER was born on 29 Feb 1848 in Rutherford, Tennessee,
USA. She died in 1925.
MCIVER was born on 17 May 1850 in Rutherford, Tennessee, USA. He died on 06
May 1902 in Miles City, Custer, Montana, USA.
MCIVER was born in Jun 1853. 2.
was born on 22 Jul 1815 in Davidson, Tennessee, USA. She died on 20 Jun 1837 in
Rutherford, Tennessee, United States. She married Maj. R. Dance in 1834. He was
born about 1815. He died in 1838. Maj. R. Dance and Mary Philips Martin had the following
was born about 1835. He died about 1837. Notes for
Dance: Died Young 4. ELIZABETH WHARTON2
MARTIN (Thomas Dwyer1) was born on 10 Aug 1817 in
Davidson, Davidson, Tennessee, USA. She died after 1880 in Alexandria, Rapides,
Louisiana, USA. She married Dr. John
Seip in 1839. He was born about 1817 in Mississippi. He died in 1855. Dr. John Seip and Elizabeth Wharton Martin had the
following children:
was born about 1840 in Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana, USA.
SEIP was born about 1843
in Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana, USA.
G. SEIP was born about
1846 in Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana,
USA. She died in 1902 in Ulster
Plantation, Boyce, LA. She married Henry A Boyce on 11 Jan 1869 in
Rapides, Louisiana, USA. He was born in Feb 1836 in Louisiana, USA. He died in
1910 in Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana, USA.
E. SEIP was born about
1850 in Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana,
MARTIN (Thomas Dwyer1) was born in Mar 1827 in Davidson,
Davidson, Tennessee, USA. She died in 1857 in Rapides, Louisiana, USA. She
married James T. Flint in 1844. He
was born about 1827. He died in 1853. James T. Flint and Susan T. Martin had the following
was born about 1845. She married (1) DR.
DUPRE. He was born about 1845.
FLINT was born about 1846.
FLINT was born about
1849. 6.
was born on 21 Sep 1827 in Nashville, Tennessee (Locust Grove). He died on 26
Jul 1866 in Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana, United States. He married (1) MARY
AMELIA BROWN on 22 Aug 1850 in Rapides Parish, Louisiana. She was born on
06 Aug 1829 in Rapides Parish, Louisiana. She died
on 25 Mar 1913 in Houston, Harris
County, Texas. He married (2) THOMAS D MARTIN on 22 Aug 1850. Thomas D
died on 26 Jul 1866. Thomas Dwyer Martin Sr. and Mary Amelia Brown had the
following children: i.
was born on 11 Oct 1856 in Louisiana. ii.
DWYER MARTIN JR. was born on 18 Feb
1858 in Tennessee. He died on 07 Dec 1936 in Brazoria, Texas, United States.
SUSAN T MARTIN was born on 27 Sep
1859. She died on 12 Mar 1878. MARY
ELIZA MARTIN was born on 15 Nov
1861 in Rapides, Louisiana, United States. She died on 30 Aug 1915. JAMES ANDREWS MARTIN was born
on 09 Jul
1863 in Louisiana, United States. Generation
MCIVER (Jane Roberson2 Martin, Thomas Dwyer1
Martin) was born on 04 May 1838 in Rutherford County, Tennessee. She died on 10
Jan 1917 in Alhambra, Los Angeles, California, USA. She married James Thomas Patterson
on 28 Jan 1858
in Davidson Co., TN. He was born between 1832-1833 in Davidson Co., TN. He died
in 1883 in Nashville, TN. James Thomas Patterson and Maria Graham McIver
had the
following children:
was born in 1860. She died in 1861. ROBERT
MEAD PATTERSON was born on 11 Dec
1860 in Davidson Co., TN. He died in 1957. LEONIDAS MCIVER PATTERSON was born on
20 Jul
1863 in Davidson Co., TN. He died in 1907. EVANDER
MCIVER PATTERSON was born in 1865. He
died in 1958. HUGH EVERARD PATTERSON was
born on 01 Jun
1867 in Davidson Co., TN. He died on 21 Jul 1928. MARY ALICE PATTERSON was born in 1870.
She died in 1957. ANNIE HILL PATTERSON was born
born in 1875.
She died in 1877. BESSIE WATSON PATTERSON was
born in 1879.
She died in 1885. DAISY PATTERSON was born in
1882 in
Alhambia, CA. She died in Alhambia, CA. 8.
ANNA G.3 SEIP (Elizabeth Wharton2
Martin, Thomas Dwyer1 Martin) was born about 1846 in
Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana, USA. She died in 1902 in Ulster Plantation,
Boyce, LA. She married Henry A Boyce
on 11 Jan 1869 in Rapides, Louisiana, USA. He was born in Feb 1836 in
Louisiana, USA. He died in 1910 in Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana, USA. Henry
A Boyce and Anna G. Seip had the following child:
ARCHINARD4 BOYCE was born on 03 Oct
1875 in Boyce, Rapides, Louisiana, USA. She died
in 1960 in Alexandria, Rapides,
Louisiana, USA. She married (1) ALFRED WETTERMARK.
He was born about 1868 in Texas. Generation
BOYCE (Anna G.3 Seip, Elizabeth Wharton2
Martin, Thomas Dwyer1 Martin) was born on 03 Oct 1875 in
Boyce, Rapides, Louisiana, USA. She died in 1960 in Alexandria, Rapides,
Louisiana, USA. She married (1) ALFRED WETTERMARK. He was born about
1868 in Texas. Alfred Wettermark and Irene Archinard Boyce had the
following child:
was born on 12 Mar 1916 in Louisiana. He died on 14 Mar 2010 in Mobile, Mobile, Alabama.
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