Hosted by Bill Buchannan and Ken Carpenter


From left to right: Ken Carpenter, Larry Feldhaus, Bill Shumann, Wendel Hauck, Bill Elder, Barney Bauermeister,
Dick Penn, and Paul Kahlenbeck. Ken Carpenter, Bill Shumann, and Barney Bauermeister all brought their wives. Bill
Buchannan and his wife live at Lake Tansi but were not at this Wednesday morning trophy presentation from Ken to Barney.

The Good Guys Golf outing was great fun for those of us fortunate enough to play. We missed those of you who for
one reason or another could not make it, and especially those who have passed.
We ended up with ten Good Guys and two of the four ladies who made the trip played on Monday.
We played Dorchester Country Club Monday and Deer Creek Tuesday.
The tournament was shortened to two days due to rain on Wednesday, so we didn't get to play Lake Tansi. The
area needed rain badly, so rain was a mixed blessing.
Barney Bauermeister was overall winner and won the trophy. Dick
Penn was a very close second. Barney won one of the closest-to-the-pin holes by beating Dick by about two feet and
that was more than the difference in their score.
Paul Kahlenbeck was third and Larry Feldhaus was fourth.
Not sure that the standings below that are very relevant; suffice it to say that Bill Shumann, John Grimmer
and I were in close competition for the bottom rung.
I imagine that the scores will be posted on the website. Speaking of our website, someone mentioned that
they had not visited our website, This is a must for all, as it is one of the best websites I've seen for a group
such as ours. Larry Feldhaus continues to do an outstanding job for which he receives little acknowledgement. Thanks,
Larry! It is . The cabins at Lake Tansi were very nice. Special thanks to Bill Buchanan for arranging the accommodations
and restaurants.


We ate at the Cumberland Mountain State Park Restaurant Sunday night. Monday night we ate at a new restaurant, The
Brass Lantern, but the reviews were mixed. Then on Tuesday night we ate at "Fortes" at Lake Tansi, and I believe that
all enjoyed that experience.
Of course there was much story telling at the dinners. Bill Elder did his best imitation of Fred Bros
(I should say he did his best to sub for Fred's irreplaceable story telling). In keeping with our tradition, we shall
not repeat any of the stories here. Ken Carpenter

Two rounds of golf were played as follows.
Monday, October 6, 2008 at Dorchester Golf Course
at Fairfield Glade.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at Deer Creek Golf Course.
Wdnesday, October 8, 2008
at Lake Tansi Golf Course was rained out. It was the first rain in the area in about 45 days and welcomed by the locals.

I knew this organization was loosely organized, but the presentation of this 1996 award to Bill Buchannan (in photo to
the left) at this golf outing represents procrastination at its best.