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1. CAPT.
RICHARD2 WILLIAMS (JOHN1) was born Abt. 1690 in Isle of
Wight, VA, and died 1738 in Isle of Wight, VA. He married SARAH ?. She was born Abt. 1690 in New Kent. VA, and died
Abt. 1750 in Southampton County, VA. Notes for CAPT. RICHARD WILLIAMS: Source: http://williams.genealogy.fm/TNG_DNA/getperson.php?personID=I3506&tree=50208 Richard Williams will dated 8 November 1737 recorded 27 Feb 1737. Legatees son,
John land where Arthur Edwards now lives: son Solomon land where John Row did live, son Mathew; daughter, Mary; wife, Sarah, son Elisha land in Nansemond joining William West: son George land
in Nansemond; son Joshua land in Nansemond, son Daniel land in Nansemond, friend William Wiggins, to my young children. Exc
son, Daniel Williams, witness John Johnston, James Garner, and Elisha Williams. Name of his plantation was "LITTLETOWN" as proved by the will of Sarah Williams
his widow and a deed by their grandson, Richard Williams. Click on the following link to read another web
page on this site tracing the ownership and location of Little Town:
When William
Williams died in 1711 he left the 175 acre Littletown property to his son John
1711: WILL ABSTRACT: Secretary of
State, NC Wills, 1663-1789, 09 Dec 1711 15 Apr 1712 Chowan County, N.C: William
Williams (son of John and Ann) "of the County of Arbarmale -
Gentleman being very sick and week in body but of porfet mind and memory"
he made his will...... wife, Mary Williams, given 1/2 of husband's land where
he now lives....son, Samuel Williams 1/2 land "whereon I now live"...son, John Williams
175 acres and plantation on
southside of Blackwater commonly known as Litell town...son, Steven
Williams 400 acres..each of my daughters, not named. Wife Mary sole Exectrix.
Witnesses: Tredell Keefe, Luis Williams, Robert Lanier. Clerk of the Court:
Edward Bonwicke..(North Carolina Wills, 1663-1789, Vol. XXXIV, p. 82, Archives,
Raleigh, NC.) It is not known how many daughters he had.
William Williams’ sons,
John and Steven
Williams sold 170 acres to their uncle, William’s brother, Richard
Williams. This is likely the same 175
acres mentioned above in William’s will where “Littell town is located.
Afterward, it appears that John, son of
William, moved to Bertie County NC where he lived until he died in 1737. 22 Aug 1719: John Williams
and his brother Stephen
Williams “of Albemarle County, North Carolina” sold to their uncle Richard
Williams of Isle of Wight 170 acres adjacent his property in the Nottoway
Basin—part of a patent for 600 acres granted to William Williams on 28 October
1702(Great Book, Vol. II, p. 275).
Richard's brother William Williams
him 135 acres on the south side of the Blackwater Swamp 1n 1704.
1704: Isle of Wight County
Deed Book 1
1688-1705 Reel 2
To all to whom this Deed Indented
Bargain & sale shall come Know ye that I Wm Williams of Isle of Wight
County for & in consideration of ye such quantity of five thousand dollars
of good sound merchantable Tobacco & cash to me in hand paid or otherwise
will & sufficiently secured to be paid have granted by Richard Williams of
the same County by which I acknowledge my self fully satisfied contented &
paid have granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed & confirmed and do by
these presents for me my heirs Exe Adm forever grant & bargain sell alien
enfeoff & confirm unto Richard Williams his Heirs, Exe, Adm & assigns a
certain tract or parcel of land containing by estimation one hundred &
thirty acres more or less situated lying & being on the south side of the
Blackwater Swamp Beginning at a Hickory at the side of the swamp the run by and
___ so running up ye run to the said Swamp to a Cypress in ye said Run of the
swamp a corner tree so along a course of marked trees to a lyne of ye pattent
southwesterly so along the lyne according to pattent to the said Hickory To
Have and to Hold the said one hundred thirty acres of land together with all
houses & orchards gardens woods underwoods ways watercourses easements
proffits commodities & appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or
therewith commonly held occupied & enjoyed to him the said Richard Williams
& his heirs to the only proper use & behoof of him the said Richard
Williams his heirs & assigns forever and I the said William Williams do
hereby ablidge myself my heirs Exe Adm to warrant & defend this my sale of
all & singu7lar the before recited presents with their appurtenances to the
said Richard Williams his heirs & assigns forever against me my heirs Exe
Adm and assigns of from any person or persons claiming lawfully by from or
under me my heirs Exe Adm & assigns as also to acknowledge this present
instrument be my will act & deed at the next Court to be held for the Isle
of Wight county aforesaid In Witness whereunto I set my hand & seal this
tenth day of April anno dom 1704
Signed sealed and delivered
Williams seal
Acknowledged in open Court
held for the
Isle of Wight County the 10th day of April 1704
Test Cha Chapman ClCt Hard copy on file Transcribed by Jean Mayo Hirsch from
documents located at the Library of Virginia Archives in Richmond, Virginia
i. JOHN3
WILLIAMS, b. Abt. 1712, Isle
of Wight County, Virginia. ii. SOLOMAN
WILLIAMS, b. Bef. 1713, Virginia; d. 1770, Halifax Cocounty, NC. Notes for SOLOMAN WILLIAMS: 15 Aug 1770: Will #161 Pg. 277 Solomon Williams (dated) 15 Aug 1770 (probated) Nov.
Ct. 1770. Son Charles Williams Plantation whereon I now live, negroes. Son Elisha Williams land on Kehukey containing 486 acres etc. Daughter Lydia Williams and Menia Williams (?) negroes each wife to enjoy Plantation
for her natural life and no longer. Daughter Lynea Barrow negro for her life and at her death the sd. negro and her increase
to go to the sd. Lynea's heirs or to my son Solomon Lawrence Williams. My 5 daughters to have 2 rooms in my house. Residue of estate to be divided after wife's death among my 4 children: Lucy Williams,
Solomon Lawrence, Sarah Williams And Elizabeth Williams. iii. MATTHEW WILLIAMS, b. abt 1714 iv. MARY WILLIAMS, b. abt 1715, Nansemond County, VA; d. Aft. 01 May 1773; m. ROBERT CARR,
Abt. 1735, Nancymond County, VA; b. 1710; d. Abt. 1773, Nansemond County, Virginia. Notes for MARY WILLIAMS: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~paday/dobbers/carr_robert4&5.html This is interesting. A family history written in 1840 by the great grandson of Joshua
Williams' sister Mary Carr. It says that Mary was born around 1715 in Nansemond Co VA, which is a much more realistic timeframe
for the children of Richard Williams to be born than some posters claim. (They have Richard's born much earlier based on who
knows what). I suspect Joshua's birth should be placed around this same general time. Below is from the writing of Jonas Johnston Carr 1805 - 1843 sent by Mrs. Leila Carr. " As I am desirous of perpetuating a family record for my posterity and having but
limited means for a correct information, I have thought it advisable to give
such information in a chronological maner as I am convinced may be true with a view that my posterity will
keep up the family record as it has often been my lot to be at a great loss in the genealogy of my ancestors, a record every
family should cherish, and keep alive if their forebears have done nothing discreditable
and I am proud in saying mine so far as my knowledge extends have not; but who
have persued a course perfectly consistent to christianity and the rights of man, a duty I enjoin on
my descendants. Signed: Jonas Johnston Carr 3 July 1840" He continues with his family history: "Robert Carr was borned in the County of Nancymond VA about the year 1710. Mary Williams the wife of Robert Carr was borned in Nancymond about the year 1715. Robert Carr and Mary Williams were married in the County of Nancymond about the year
1735. From that marriage sprang a numerous offspring which I am unable to give a full and
correct account---there were eight children born Joshua, Elizabeth, Mary,
Martha, Lydia, Titus
- my grandfather, Matthew & Robert Titus Carr son of Robert Carr was borned 30th of October 1743 in the County of Nancymond
VA. Winefred Stephens was borned in Souhampton or Nancymond VA about the year 1752 Titus Carr & Winafred Stephens was maried near Boons Bridge in the County of
South hampton in VA about the year 1770. They had eight children by the marriage viz Charles, Elias my father, Nancy, Sarah, Robert,
Winafred, Precilla, Titus From which has sprang a numerous posterity all the brothers & sisters were known
to me and had children. My father maried Mrs. Hines the widow of Jesse Hines and daughter of Col. Jonas Johnston
and Esther Maun his wife - and a further family record is registered in the large
family Bible given to me by my mother within her last Will and Testament to which
this is attached. signed) J J Carr 3rd of July 1840 " v. ELISHA
WILLIAMS, b. abt. 1716, VA. d. abt 1755, Edgecombe County NC vi. GEORGE WILLIAMS, b. abt 1717, VA vii. DANIEL WILLIAMS, b. abt 1719, VA viii. ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, b. abt 1711, VA. d. 1758, Isle of Wight County, Virginia; m. JOHN DAUGHTRY, Bef. 24 Mar 1709; d. Abt. 1755, Isle of Wight County, Virginia. ix. JOSHUA WILLIAMS, b. Abt. 1718, Virginia; d. Abt. 1761, Halifax Cocounty, NC; m. SARAH;
d. abt 1761. Notes for JOSHUA WILLIAMS: See the note under Joshua's sister Mary Williams that gives her birth date as 1715. Will of Joshua Williams: ca 1761: pp. 28-9, I Joshua Williams...give to my Eldest son Thomas Williams Five
negroes that is to say Abraham, Isaac, Jenney, Betty & Judith with their increase...also...my Distill, one horse called
Derick, a sorel mare colt, one bed & furniture also three sows & twelve shoats also 200 acres also one gun. To my daughter Temperance two negroes named Peter & Nanny, one mare called Jenney
and a woman saddle, eight head of cattle, one bed & furniture, one trunk. To my daughter Sarah, two negroes named Cezar & Amey, one horse called Prince
& four pounds five shillings to buy her a saddle, eight head of cattle, a black walnut chest. To my son Elisha Williams the plantation where I now live with all the land...four
negroes named Nan, Jacob, James & tom, one mare & colt, a young horse named Parrot, one bed and furniture, one horse
called Blase. To my daughter Martha one negro called Hager. To my loving wife one negro named London during her life of widowhood, also one bed
and furniture, seven cows & calves and a three year old stear, one gray mare called Jenney & a horse called Diment,
two dishes, four plates, two basons and one desk. To Celea Dickens one negro called Cezar which she is to be possest of when she arrives
to the age of twenty one years...but she dieing before she comes of age the negro to fall to my son Elisha Williams...the
negro to be hired out and the money converted to the said girl... Joshua Williams. Proved October 1761 court, Sarah Williams
widow. Halifax County Will Book Volume 1, 1758-1774. Notice the name of the slave Martha inherited: Hager. In 1768 Martha wife of John
Joyner receives a slave named Hagar. At that time in NC, Martha’s property would have transferred to her husband, and
it looks like here he is making sure she gets to keep her father’s bequest. (8). 1753. Abstracts of Wills of Edgecombe County, page 230, has a record of the
will of Joseph Moore, February 15, 1753. February Court 1757. Wife and Executor Ann, Sons and Executors: Joseph, plantation
in Edgecombe County on Little Swamp, also plantation in Bertie County on Rockquies Swamp where William Bryant formerly lived;
James, 100 Acres land bought of William McGee on South Side of Conetoe Pocosin; Hodges, 100 Acres Land on North Side of Conohoe
Swamp; Jesse, Plantation on Mill Branch and Montgomery's line wheron I live; Ezekiel and Jesse to have my water mill. Son-in-law:
(unnamed), tract of land on Conetoe Swamp; Daughters: Ann MaGee, Martha Hinton, Celia Moore. All children get negroes. Melia
Moore. Witnesses are Elizabeth Williams, Mary Whitmell, and William Williams. 10). 1775. Abstracts of Edgecombe County Wills, Page 230. There is a will for Joseph
Moore, who is apparently the son of the earlier Joseph Moore listed in Bertie County. October 6, 1775. January Court 1776.
Wife Ann, lend plantation where I live and that which joins it purchased of James Dunlop and 3 negroes; remaining negroes
to be hired out for benefit of wife, etc. Bequeath 500 Pounds for her pocket money. Each trustee or Executor to be paid 100
Pounds Proc. money. 200 Pounds to the poor. Zekel Moore, tract whereon he lives, 1 negro and 100 Pounds. Joseph Moore, son
of James Moore, 100 Pounds. Henry Irwin, son of Henry Irwin of Tarboro, 100 Pounds. Polly Toole, 50 Pounds. Henry Irwin Toole,
Executor, to use remainder of income to relieve and support any poor of the Church of England, not being dissenters for 10
years. Executors are William Williams of Martin County, Henry Irwin, Henry Irwin Toole, James Moore. Witnesses are Geraldu
Toole, Mary Toole, and Jiney Toole. Don't know if this connects at all or not. |
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