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The below information came from the web page that will open when you click on this link. Descendants of William Horn19. William4 Horn (Henry3, William2, Hypothetical1) was born March 30, 1738 in Nansemond, VA24, and died Bet. 1795 - 1818 in ?25. He married (1) Celia Richardson August 2, 1758, daughter of Thomas Richardson and Phoebe Purcell. She was born Abt. 1740, and died December 1, 1760 in Edgecombe County, NC. He married (2) Mary Thomas July 20, 1761 in Edgecombe County, NC26, daughter of Joseph Thomas and Mourning Pope. She was born Abt. 1741 in Nash County, NC, and died Abt. 177827. He married (3) Sarah Granberry 1779 in Bertie County, NC. She died Abt. 1790. He married (4) Sarah Norfleet 1789, daughter of James Norfleet and Mary Battle. She was born Abt. 1763 in Nansemond County, VA28, and died Aft. 1824 in ?Nash County, NC. Notes for William Horn: The following message from Phil Norfleet, 97-06-25, nicely summarizes important information regard the "Colonel". Hi Bob, The info that I have re Colonel William Horn is presented below: 1 Colonel William Horn 1738 - Abt 1818 . +Celia Richardson - 1759 ........ 2 Nathan Horn 1759 - 1760 *2nd Wife of Colonel William Horn: . +Mary Thomas Abt 1743 - Abt 1786 ........ 2 Priscilla Horn 1762 - ........ 2 Millberry Horn 1764 - 1851 ............ +Joseph Phillips ........ 2 Josiah Horn 1766 - 1845 ............ +Elizabeth _____ 1765 - 1840 ................... 3 Henry Horn 1793 - 1866 ....................... +Mary Morris 1799 - 1869 ................... 3 Cordell Henry Horn 1800 -1882 ....................... +Lucy Morris 1809 - 1884 ................... 3 Josiah Horn 1806 - ....................... +Elizabeth Harriett Allen *3rd Wife of Colonel William Horn: . +Sarah Granberry - Abt 1790 *4th Wife of Colonel William Horn: . +Sarah "Sallie" Norfleet Abt 1763 - Aft 1824 ........ 2 William Norfleet Horn Abt 1793 - Bef 1819 ........ 2 David Lawrence Horn Abt 1795 - Aft 1820 It's interesting to note that one of Josiah's sons was named Cordell H. Horn and one of his grandsons was named Cordell Norfleet Horn. Cordell (Cordall) Norfleet (1777-1834) was a resident of Montgomery County TN and had been a member of the Red River Baptist Church until he was excommunicated in 1816. Do you know anything about the connection between Josiah Horn and Cordall Norfleet? Re the 360-acre tract of land given to Col Horn and his wife Sarah Norfleet Horn by Lemuel Lawrence: This land was later resold by David Lawrence Horn on 01 February 1820 (see Davidson County Deed Book "O," page 45). At the time his father and brother (William Norfleet Horn) were both apparently dead. Previously, on 5 April 1819, David's mother, Sarah, signed a quit-claim (see Davidson County Deed Book "N," page 428) in his favor so that he could sell the land. At the time of the sale, David Lawrence Horn was a resident of Green County GA. Today, the actual location of the land is in Cheatham County (established 1856) TN. I have never seen hard evidence proving that Josiah was the son of Col Horn. There was an unsigned monograph in the Horn Vertical File at the Clarksville Public Library, in which the genealogist (name unknown) conjectured that Josiah was the son of Colonel William Horn by his 2nd wife. Re Colonel Horn's death, most sources I have seen give his death as 1824, the year that his estate in Nash County NC was divided. The only thing I can state for sure is that he was dead by 1819. Regards, Phil Norfleet An earlier E-mail from Phil Norfleet on 6/20/97 to Bill Horn, forwarded to me, RGH stated the following: Hi Bill, Thanks for your message dated 20 June 1997. There are two Horn family members that I am particularly interested in. 1. Colonel William Horn (1738-c1818) of Nash County NC: In about the year 1792 Colonel William Horn, a Revolutionary War Hero, took as his fourth and last wife, Sarah (Sallie) Norfleet, the daughter of James Norfleet (1735-1780) and Mary Battle. Sallie Norfleet and Colonel Horn had at least two children: William Norfleet Horn and David Lawrence Horn. After James Norfleet's death in 1780, Mary Battle Norfleet, Sallie's mother, married Lemuel Lawrence (d 1811) of Northampton County NC, who was a close friend of Colonel Horn. By indenture, dated 29 August 1796, Lemuel Lawrence "for the love and affection that I have and declare unto my friend William Horn & his wife Sarah Horn, both of the county of Nash and State of North Carolina," conveyed a 360 acre tract of land in Davidson County TN to "...the said William Horn & Sarah his during their natural life and after their decease unto the aforesaid sons of William and Sarah Horn. To Wit, William Norfleet Horn and David Lawrence Horn to them & theirs forever." (Davidson County TN, Deed Book "D", p 225.) See further notes re this land below. 2. Josiah Horn (1766-1845) of Montgomery County TN: Josiah was a noted Baptist minister and the founder (in about 1805) of the Blooming Grove Baptist Church in Montgomery County TN. He is reputed to have been the son of William Horn by his second wife, Mary Thomas (1743-1786). However, I have no hard evidence that proves this assertion. Any information you might have concerning Colonel Horn, his ancestors, his four wives, and his children would be much appreciated. Regards, Phil Norfleet From letter of Phil Norfleet, 97/06/25, to RG Horn: "Re the 360 acre tract of land given to Col Horn and his wife Sarah Norfleet Horn by Lemuel Lawrence (Sarah Norfleet's stepfather and a dear friend of the Colonel): This land was later resold by David Lawrence Horn on 01 February 1820 (See Davidson County Deed Book "O", page 45). At the time his father and brother (William Norfleet Horn) were both apparently dead. Previously, on 5 April 1819, David's mother Sarah signed a quit-claim (See Davidson County Deed Book "N", page 428) in his favor so that he could sell the land. At the time the sale, David Lawrence Horn was a resident of Green County Georgia. Today the actual location of the land is in Cheatham county (established 1856). ****************************************************** c:ftw/docs/ColWmChr110.rtf 10 January, 1977 Chronolgy of Selected Events in the Life of Colonel William Horn(1738-?) and his Associates 1738: Born in Nansemond VA. Firstborn child of Henry Horn and Ann Purcell. 1758: Married Celia Richardson, August 2.(his first cousin, ) This wife, Celia Richardson was also the sister of Edith Richardson who married Col Wm's brother, Isaac. 1759: Son Nathan born, April 9. (Eight months after marriage) 1760: Son Nathan died in January. Celia died in December. 1762: Married Mary Thomas, age 19. 1762-1766: Three children born, Priscilla, Millberry, and Josiah 1775-78: Mary Thomas dies, her early thirties. Milberry may have been raised by her uncle, Henry Horn, Jr. 1776, November 12: " William Horn duly elected amd certified for Edgecombe County to a Congress begun and held at Halifax, in the County of Halifax". V. 10 p 919 , Colonial and State Records of North Carolina. Wm Horn was in the state legislature for a number of years. Same reference states, v 19, p233, "In the House of Commons April 18, 1783, William Horn certified as being duly elected to represent Bertie County." Probably continued as a House member through 1789. V. 21, p193, Colonial Records states "November 2, 1789: House Journal in the House of Commons... William Horn certified as being duly elected to represent Bertie County." Extensive citations of the Colonial Records in the Ray Horn Book, pp77-87. 1779: Marries Sarah Granberry. No known children of this union. [Pending Query to Gwen Horn: Gwen, regarding the marriage contract between Wm. Horn and Sarah Granberry of which you sent me a photocopy on two pages, near the top of first page, in the text the year 1779 is clearly inscribed. But at the top of the second page, just above the witnesses, Thos. Rhodes and Lemuel Burkitt, and clearly adjacent to the name of Wm Horn and Sarah Horn, signatories, clearly readable is "of this twentififth of October 1788". I do not know what significance, if any, this date disparity has.] 1780, Dec 26: Nash Co NC Deed Book 1-241: William Horn of Bertie Co NC to George Wimberley of Edgecombe Co, for 33 pds, a tract of 100 acres on Pig Basket Creek. Witnesses: Joel Horn, Josiah Horn, Milberry Horn (from data sent by Jim Doyle). According to Gwen Horn, this 100 acres was a part of Mary Thomas inheritance, and this sale rather well establishes that Josiah and Milberry had an interest in the property, presumably because she was their mother. This is almost incontrovertible indication that Josiah was a son of Col WM and Mary Thomas. ( See Gwen's note of 12/15/97). 1788: Did Sarah Granberry die, or was there a divorce? 1789: Sarah Norfleet Hilliard petitions the Northampton Co Court for Dower of several tracts of land, her husband Elias having recently died intestate. 1790-1792: Col Wm marries Sarah Norfleet Hilliard. 1793-1795: Sons, William Norfleet Horn and David Lawrence Horn, born to Col Wm and Sarah Norfleet Horn. 1796, Deed transferring 360 acres in Davidson County, TN from Lemuel Lawrence to Wm and Sarah Horn, signed 29 August 1796, presumably in Nash Co NC, witnessed by Cordall Norfleet, John Cryer, and E???? Thompson. Execution of this deed in Davidson County, TN court on 18 March, 1797, "by the oath of John Cryer". [Cordall Nofleet, witness to the deed above, the brother of Sarah Norfleet Hilliard Horn, according to Phil Norfleet, (http://members.xoom.com/norfleet1666/norfleet5.htm], relocated from NC to Tn in 1799, joining his brother Capt. James Norfleet in Montgomery and Robertson Counties, where both were prominent citizens. Cordall was affiliated with the Port Royal Baptist church. Cordall was probably well known to Josiah Horn of Blooming Grove, probably providing a name for Josiah's son Cordell and his grandson Cordial. John Cryer, another witness to the NC deed above and an affiant to the execution of that deed in 1797 in Davidson County court, was a apparently a citizen of Sumner county, TN, since an individual of that named in frequently cited in Sumner County record of the early 1800's.] THE DEED IN THE PRIOR PARAGRAPH IS THE SECOND-TO-LAST KNOWN DOCUMENTATION I HAVE THAT COLONEL WILLIAM HORN WAS STILL ALIVE. (3 Feb 1999, RGH). (The last known documentation, described in detail below, is the March 1797 Wayne County Deed, which the Colonel apparently was named and which he witnessed. [vide infra]). 1800, 10 January: Deed signed transferring 230 Acres in Montgomery county TN to Josiah Horn, son of Colonel William. Proven in Court, April 1801, registered 8 July 1801. Although this property of Josiah, where he lived for the remaining 45 years of his life, is only about 20 miles from the Cumberland River property deeded to his father in 1796 (see above), I have no indication that the transactions are at all related, and there is, in fact, no indication that the Colonel ever saw his Cumberland River property or had any interaction with his son, Josiah, after the son's migration to Tennessee. The following two transactions were thought initially to possibly represent land purchases by Sarah Norfleet Hilliard Horn, the wife of Col William, but that possibility was proved to be erroneous, as is discussed in great detail in the NOTES to Sarah Norfleet Horn. 1799, 8 January: Deed signed transferring 50 acres on Whites Creek (TN) to Sarah Horn. Davidson county court, 1800. 1802, 20 January: Deed signed transferring 14 acres on Whites Creek (TN) to Sarah Horn. To Court in April Session 1803. A study of events surrounding this other Sarah Horn, recounted in detail in the Notes to Sarah Norfleet Horn, seems to clearly establish that the other Sarah Horn, the widow of Joel Horn, brought her two young sons, Etheldred and Matthew, to Tennessee to locate near her brothers, Joseph and Benjamin Philips. For this reason Sarah Philips Horn purchased land on White's Creek, near the Joseph Philips property in 1800 and 1803. 2) And, on the other hand, considerable investigation of Davidson county records in this period provide no evidence that Col William and Sarah Horn ever got to Davidson County to see their Cumberland River property, and furthermore, it seems if they did get here they probably did not stay very long. **************************** WAS COL. WILLIAM HORN CITED AS DECEASED IN THE 1797 WILL OF HIS FATHER, HENRY THE QUAKER? The following excerpt of a letter describes my consideration of the answer to the preceding question. 30 January, 1999 A distant cousin of ours, Charlene Sallee Sidwell, after looking at my Home Page on the Web, pointed out to me that several of the children of Henry the Quaker, named as if alive in his 1797 will, are recorded as having died before 1797 in my listing of Henry's descendants. Hmmmmm...... I had not noticed that paradox, but upon perusal the apparent disconnect is quite obvious. A listing of Henry's children, with b and d, follows: 1 Henry Horn b: November 21, 1716 d: 1798 ...... 2 William Horn b: March 30, 1738 d: Bet. 1795 - 1818 ...... 2 Esther Horn b: April 6, 1740 d: 1789 ...... 2 Isaac Horn b: May 7, 1742 d: 1782 ...... 2 Henry Horn, Jr. b: June 10, 1744 d: February 5, 1785 ...... 2 Jacob Horn b: March 10, 1747/48 d: 1827 ...... 2 Mourning Horn b: March 10, 1747/8 d: February 15, 1829 ...... 2 Phebe Horn b: September 14, 1749 d: Unknown ...... 2 Joel Horn b: August 14, 1751 d: 1793 ...... 2 Thomas Horn b: March 24, 1753 d: Abt. 1808 ...... 2 Charity Horn b: November 19, 1755 d: Unknown ...... 2 Selah Horn b: February 13, 1758 d: Unknown ...... 2 Demaris Horn b: May 31, 1760 d: Unknown ...... 2 Jeremiah Horn b: November 1, 1763 d: Bet. 1809 - 1840 Reviewing this information has led me to some interesting speculation. I would like you to consider this. Tthe following appears to be the case: Of the 13 Children of Henry the Quaker, the date of death of five is unknown to me (William, Phebe, Charity, Selah, and Demaris). Of the other eight children, the year of their death seems well established. Of the eight, the following died well before the date of their father's will: Isaac, 1782 Henry, 1785 Esther, 1789 Joel, 1793. Given this fact, why would the following line be included in the will of their father: "ITEM I give and bequeath to my sons and daughters viz William, Esther, Isaac, Henry, Joel, Charity, and Demaris the sum of five shillings each." [I have rechecked a photocopy of the original document and the cited line is correctly transcribed above.] It is well established that the following children died after the death of their father: Jacob, 1827 Mourning, 1829 Thomas, 1808 Jeremiah, after 1809. Of the children known to be dead before 1797, all four are listed in the "five shilling" bequest above. The time of death of the other three children listed in that line, William, Charity, and Demaris, is unknown. [Parenthetically, the seven children listed in that line are named in the order of their birth.] It is consistent with known facts that the seven children listed in the "five shilling line" were all dead at the time Henry the Quaker wrote his 1797 Will, and that this bequest is essentially a symbolic tribute to their memories, and possibly a clever mechanism to avoid a challenge to the Will by heirs of his deceased children. His other six children each received a significant bequest: 10 pounds current money to each daughter, Mourning, Phebe, and Selah, and the remainder of the estate equally to each of the surviving three sons, Jacob, Thomas, and Jeremiah. If this hypothesis of mine were true it would indicate that, in his final days, Henry knew, or believed, that his oldest son, Colonel William, had preceded him in death. Such a possibility would probably be both a disappointment and a relief to many Horn genealogists who have continued to look for some evidence as to what finally happened to the flamboyant and redoubtable Colonel, and when, where, and how his career came to an end. At the moment, the considerations discussed suggest to me it is likely that Col William had died some time between 29 August 1796, when he received the gift of 360 acres on the Cumberland River, near Nashville, TN, from his friend, Lemuel Lawrence, and 30 March, 1797, when his father, Henry Horn, signed his Will, listing his oldest son, William, among the dead. In regard to and arguing against the above hypothesis, Gwen Horne recalls that William Horn is named in a Nash County Deed in 1797, suggesting he is alive at that time. An abstract of such a deed follows: "Nash County Deed Book 6, p 268. Mar 8 1797. From Henry Horn of Wayne Co toThomas Horn of same. For 45 pounds Virginia money paid to William Row, deceased, including the plantation whereon William Horn then lived. Wit: Wm Horn, Jeremiah Horn, and Patience Horn." A photocopy of the microfilm of the handwritten original document was examined on 23 Feb 1999. The original documents states directly the following: "... including the plantation whereon William Horn now lives." Furthermore, according to the original document, William Horn not only witnessed the signature by Henry Horn, but William also presented the document in open court under Oath as proof (the date of "proof" in court does not appear to be documented.. Henry Horn's Will was dated 22 days later, 30 March, 1797, in which his son appears to be addressed as among the dead. Why? Review of Nash Co Deed Abstracts reveals three additional references to the same (almost certainly) piece of property. Two of those deeds record the purchase of two additional adjacent tracts by Thomas in 1798. The more significant is this: 1) Four weeks prior to the 8 March deed cited above, Henry Horn deeded the property to this son Thomas. " Nash Co, DB6-233 Henry Horn of Wayne Co to his son Thomas Horn of same. Feb 9 1797. For love and affection that tract of land in Nash Co on the north side of Contentnea Creek beginning at the upper end of the William Row old friend and near Cornelius Sanders' field. Wit: William Row and James Broadstreet." (Note: William Row dies between 9 Feb (see above) and 8 March 1797 (see next paragraphs.) 2) Four weeks later, they were back in court, now with Colonel William, to execute the second deed, wherein the failing Henry Horn pays 45 pounds Virginia money to his son, Colonel William, undoubtedly that the prodigal son William wanted, to clear any cloud to the claim of his son Thomas to the property that William felt he was entitled to. The text is somewhat cluttered, but I believe it is clear that this is the effect and intent of The 8 March deed, the text of which follows: " This Indenture made this Eighth day of March in the year one thousand seven hundred & ninety-seven Between Henry Horn of Wayne County and State of North Carolina, and Thomas Horn of the same place witnesseth that the said Henry Horn for a consideration of the sum of Forth five pounds Virgina Currency paid to William Horn doth acquit and Discharge the said Thomas Horn haith given Granted Bargained & sold unto the said Thomas Horn all my wright to and privilege in all the Lands formerly belonging to William Row Deceased with my benefit thereunto belonging Including the plantation whereon William Horn now lives To Have and To Hold the said land above Granted with Every appurtenance thereto belonging to him the said Thomas Horn his Heirs and assigns forever and I the said Henry Horn do for my self my Heirs Executors or Administrators acquit all claim in said Land and do warrant & defend the title thereof against the lawfull Claim of other person or persons whatsoever, in anywise. In Witness whereof I do hereto set my hand with my seal this day and year above written. Signed and Acknowledged in the presence of Henry Horn S_E_A_L Wm Horn Nash County ---lig & term 1797 Jeremiah Horn The written Deed was in open Court Patience Horn duly proved by the Oath of Wm Horn & ordered to be registered. The above documents seem to clearly establish that Col. William was alive on 8 March 1797, while the fact remains that the Col's father, Henry the Quaker refers in his will dated 30 March, 1797 to son William as if he were dead. Did Colonel William die shortly after 8 March 1797? Could the fact or circumstances of his death been a particular stimulus to Henry to write his Will and prepare for the settlement of his estate? Or, on the other hand, did the redoubtable Colonel William Horn, on 8 March, 1797, tuck the 45 pounds Virginia currency in his purse, mount up, and head west to see his property in Tennessee, on the Cumberland River, just north of Nashville. The deed to this 360 acres was executed in Davidson county court, just 10 days later, 18 March, 1797 (vide supra). Was the deed delivered to the court by the Colonel himself? Was Henry the Quaker, the Colonel's ailing and elderly father, so angered by the circumstances of his first son's departure, that Henry referred to his son in his will, signed on 30 March, 1797, as if the son were dead? No clear trace remains of Colonel William Horn following these events of March, 1797. * * * * * * * * * * * * August, 2002: There are numerous references to several "William Horn(e)s" in eastern NC in the 20 years or so after the events of March, 1797, cited above. I have looked with reasonable care to see if any of those citations appear to refer to Colonel William. While I cannot exclude that some of the known references may allude to the still extant Col Wm, it is clear that most of the references are to other known men, often cousins, named William Horn(e), and not to the Colonel. Several deeds naming "William Horn of Nash County" appear to refer to a son of Thomas Horn and his wife, Hannah, the uncertain paternity of whom (i. e., Thomas) is discussed elsewhere in this tome. Several deeds naming "William Horn of Edgecombe County" in this period appear to refer to either a son of Moses Horn and wife Mary, or possibly "Willie", the son of Elijah Horn, Sr. There are a number of land transactions involving a William Horn)e) of Johnston County, and one of these even cites both a William and a Josiah, making it tempting to conclude that this citation refers to the Colonel and his son Josiah. However, this Johnston county transaction in 1802 occurs more than two years after Josiah Horn and his family had moved hundreds of miles to west, to Montgomery county, TN. It is difficult for me to imagine that at this time, two years after Josiah had left NC for good, that he would have bought 20 acres of NC land from his father. Of course, it is entirely possible that Colonel was living and well in NC for many years after the events of the spring of 1797, described above, were concluded. Unfortunately, I can find no clear indication of his presence after March, 1797. I INVITE YOUR HELP IN LEARNING OF HIS WHEREABOUTS AND FATE AFTER THAT TIME. [The following items are included in the belief that some of them may become pertinent to an understanding of later events in the life of the Colonel] 1812: A William Horn appears on the 1812 Tax List for Giles County, TN (near Madison County, AL), noted by Phil Norfleet. 1813: William Horn on the Tax List of Madison County, Mississippi Territory. 1814: Appearance Docket, Superior Court of Madison Co, AL, Nov Term, 1814, William Horn vs James A. Sturgus, Wm. F. Sturgus, and Abner Tatum. 1814-1815: A William Horn, dies in Giles County, TN survived by wife Nancy and children. ( Almost certainly NOT the Colonel, but could he be William Norfleet Horn, son of the Colonel and Sarah?) 1816: 23 October, in Madison County, AL, a William Horn witnesses a deed from Jacob Sivley to William and Catherine Fine (noted by Gwen Horn and by Phil Norfleet). 1817, 8 October: In Madison County, John Davison, David Cannon, and David Carmichael post a $1000 bond with Orphans court, in re Estate of Wm Horn, suggesting that Wm Horn decd left minor child(ren). Orphan Court records are apparently lost. 1818, Jan ?, appraisal of personal property (livestock) of Wm Horn, decd. 1819: Sarah Horn, now in Greene County, Georgia, on 5 April 1819 signs Quit-Claim deed in favor of David L. Horn, re 360 acres in northern Davidson County TN. Joseph Phillips, husband of Milberry Horn (daughter of Col Wm. Horn), handles this transaction as well as the sale of the property in 1820. 1820: David L. Horn of Greene County GA sells the Davidson County property, Joseph Phillips handling the legal proceedings for Horn. 1840: David L. Horn dies in Warren County, MS. *************** See the Notes to David Lawrence Horn for additional information about this young man, his mother, and some of their relatives. It has been thought possible that the uncovering of added information about this last known son of Colonel William might provide additional information about the final years of the Colonel's life, although that hope has not yet come to fruition. ***************************************** Note of 20 September, 2002, to Larry Horn: "Regarding the Colonel, I have the strong feeling that something happened to the Colonel in 1797, following the events we have recently discussed in which his father transferred property to Thomas and paid off the Colonel to prevent his contesting the gift, in the Nash County court action of 8 March, 1797. Actually, we are lucky to have as much information as we do have in regard to the Colonel at this time. We know he had obtained the property in Tennessee, which he must have intended to utilize, if we can imagine the conversations, the planning for the future, in the summer of 1796, among the Colonel, his wife, and his wife's mother and her husband, who would give the property to the Colonel and his wife, for their two children's benefit. I think Colonel William was planning to make an exploratory trip to Tennessee to see the property and make plans to move there. He managed to maneuver his father into giving him enough money, the 45 pounds, to make the trip and implement the relocation. The Colonel was probably traveling with John Cryer, the individual who was both a witness to the NC deed giving the Tennessee land to the Colonel's family, as well as the man who registered the deed in the Tennessee court on 18 March, 1797. Or perhaps he sent Cryer on ahead to register the deed in Tennessee, while the Colonel managed a slower pace. I can imagine the Colonel left NC for Tennessee after 8 March, 1797, and that he never arrived there. A thousand things are easily imagined that might have happened to a 60 year old man, traversing the four or five hundred miles across the Appalachian mountains. I think the reason his death is not documented is because no one was sure he was dead, even then, and they were expecting, for a long while, that he would ride up one day, with a bottle half full, and a lot of wonderful tales to tell. I suspect this is as close to the truth about the Colonel's end as I will ever get. Stay in touch. " **** Notes for Celia Richardson: She was Col Wm's first cousin. See notes to William Horn. Notes for Mary Thomas: Cousin of Millicent Thomas, wife of William's brother, Jacob. Notes for Sarah Granberry: See Notes re William Horn, her husband. Marriage Notes for William Horn and Sarah Granberry: 24 Sept 1997. RGH obtained from Gwen Battle Horn a copy of a marriage contract between Wm Horn and Sarah Granberry, clearly dated 1779. Refers to "children she now has". Bertie County NC. Notes for Sarah Norfleet: See Notes to her husband, William Horn, for additional information. THE TWO SARAH HORNS [The following discussion is pertinent to the question of the identity of the Sarah Horn who owned property on Whites Creek in northern Davidson county, TN, whether she was Sarah Horn, wife of Col Wm, or Sarah Horn, widow of Col Wm's brother, Joel.] 1799, 8 January: Deed signed transferring 50 acres on Whites Creek (TN) to Sarah Horn. Davidson county court, 1800. 1802, 20 January: Deed signed transferring 14 acres on Whites Creek (TN) to Sarah Horn. To Court in April Session 1803. 1792, 21 December. Deed transferring 640 Acres on Whites Creek to Joseph Phillips signed. Proven in Davidson county court, July 30, 1793. 1793, Joel Horn (b 1751, bro of Col Wm) dies in Edgecomb, NC, surived by widow, Sarah Horn, and several young children. According to Ray Horn Book, after Joel died in 1793, the following persons were appointed guardians of his minor children: Howell(b 1780) 1793-1798 > Josiah Horn, then in 1798 >Jacob Horn, possibly because Josiah was leaving for Montgomery County, TN. Howell seems too old for a guardian, but that is another question. Milbrey (b 1786) 1793 > Jacob Horn Rebecca (b1788) 1793-1803 > Jacob Horn Matthew (b 1792) 1793-1798) > Benjamin Phillips Etheldred (b 1793) 1793 -1798 > Benjamin Phillips ( Possibly this Jacob Horn above is the brother of Col William. See my notes on him in FTM. A Jacob Horn appears on the 1811 Davidson County Tax List, but I have no other record of Jacob Horn in Tenn. Possibly Jacob came to Tenn with his second wife for a few years and then returned to Edgecomb where his will was probated in 1826/27.) NOTE ADDED, 1/31/98, RGH: Sarah, widow of Joel Horn, is almost certainly the person who purchased land on Whites Creek in Davidson Co TN, probably near Joseph Philips and Milberry Horn, in 1799 to 1803, creating some concern/ confusion with Sarah Norfleet Hilliard Horn who might have come to this general area with Col Wm Horn at about the same time. Here tw youngest children, Etheldred and Matthew, were under the guardianship of a Benjamin Philips, who is almost certainly the brother of Joseph Philips. Gwen Horn has suggested that she knows for a virtual fact that the first wife of Joel Horn was Ann Harris, but she was not aware of a second wife. From the material stated above and in the Notes to Col Wm. Horn and the Notes to Joseph Philips, I believe it is very likely that 1)Ann Harris was the mother of Joel's children through Rebecca, 2) that Joel married Sarah PHILIPS, the sister of Joseph and Benjamin Philips, 3) that on the death of Joel in 1793, the children of the first wife were adopted by Joel's brothers and his children by Sarah, Matthew and Etheldred, were adopted by her brother Benjamin, 4) Sarah Philips Horn purchased property on Whites Creek in Davidson County TN, near that of her brother Joseph, the husband of Milberry Horn (the daughter of Col Wm Horn[the father of Milberry]). END OF NOTE OF 1/31/98--RGH. Matthew and Etheldred Horn appear on the 1811 Davidson County Tax List. Based on information from the staff of TSLA, this Tax List was a survey or tally of potential taxpayers, collected by the Justice of the Peace for each "precinct", and a number was assigned to each taxpayer. It seems likely that numbers close together probably indictate proximity of residence and property location. In this 1811 Tax List appearing on the same page of the Tally are the following: #801 Joseph Philips. #802 Etheldred Horn. #804 Matthew Horn. Of course, it will be recalled that a certain Sarah Horn purchased property on Whites Creek, at least in the same general area of the county that Joseph Philips and Milberry Horn owned 640 acres. (I have not located any record which appears to reflect the sale of this or any property in this part of Davidson County by Sarah Horn, Etheldred Horn, or Matthew Horn.) In 1813 Etheldred Horn purchased 640 acres on Barton's creek/ Wilson county TN, and the next year he sold 383 acres on Barton's creek to Matthew Horn. These two brothers are frequently cited in various records of Wilson County, apparently as successful and responsible citizens. Barton's creek is east of Lebanon Tennessee, the county seat, and just west of the extant community of Horn Springs. I have found no record of a Sarah Horn or other Horn's relevant to this query in that area. Therefore, it is clear that the brothers Etheldred and Matthew Horn came to Tennessee as children, lived in Davidson County as very young men, and were able to purchase substantial property in Wilson County by the time they were age 20 or 21. Now, who was the Benjamin Philips who was appointed the guardian of E and M Horn in Edgecomb in 1793. Recall that Joseph Philips and Milberry Horn brought their family from Edgecomb to Whites Creek Tn in about 1793 where it continued to grow and prosper. Many of their children married well and they left a number of prominent descendants, listed in the Battle Book (by error, because the authors thought Milberry was a Battle!!) While the evidence is quite fragmentary, I have found numerous references to a certain Benjamin Philips in Davidson County records in the period of interest. Many of these records imply strongly that this Benjamin Philips was closely affiliated with and probably related to Joseph Philips, a prominent attorney in Davidson County by this time. Benjamin Philips will, signed 26 December, 1818 and recorded, 5 June 1820, is found in Davidson County Will Book 7, p 397, and there are many other recorded settlement proceedings in the court records for several years thereafter. According to Benjamin Philips will he owned substantial land, many slaves, a distillery, and mills. No wife is mentioned in the will. His lands are bequeathed to his two sons, but his death was perhaps untimely, since both children were minors at his death, and a guardianship was established to manage this property for the two sons. After about a year the guardian defaulted and the guardianship was assigned to the attorney who was handling the legal affairs of the estate, one Joseph Philips. While Joseph Philips was busily handling substantial unresolved complexities in the estate of Benjamin Philips, possibly his brother, Joseph himself died, at age 59. Joseph Philips' will is dated 1 Jan 1820, and recorded 3 September, 1822. Subsequent to Joseph's death, many of the Philips estate matters seemed to have been handled by William Williams, husband of Joseph's daughter Sallie. According to the Battle Book, Wm Williams, a 1799 graduate of Harvard, came to Tennessee in 1804, bought 640 acres on Gallatin Pike, "a property which remained in the family until 1929". Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. Another feature emphasizing the likelihood of a very close relationship between Benjamin and Joseph Philips is this. The initial guardian of the sons of Benjamin Philips was Matthew Barrow, and one of the witnesses to the will of Joseph Philips was M. Barrow. [ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, 1/31/98: Based on the1779-84 Will of Joseph Philips of Edgecomb NC, located in Edgecomb Will Abstracts and Bible Records of Early Edgecombe, by Williams and Griffin, Joseph and Benjamin and Sarah Philips (Horn) of Davidson County TN, are almost certainly siblings. Additional notes under Joseph Philips.] While this, I hope, interesting, digression is of little specific relevance to our queries regarding the fate of Col William and his fourth wife, Sarah Norfleet Hilliard Horn, I feel the elements of the Philips story, taken as a whole, provide a credible basis for the belief that 1) there was a close connection between Sarah Horn, the widow of Joel Horn, and her two young sons Etheldred and Matthew with her brothers Joseph and Benjamin Philips which led this Sarah Horn to purchase land near the Joseph Philips property in 1800 and 1803. 2) And, on the other hand, considerable investigations of Davidson county records in this period provide no evidence that Col William and Sarah Horn ever got to Davidson County to see their Cumberland River property, and furthermore, it seems if they did get here they probably did not stay very long. end of THE TWO SARAH HORNS question Child of William Horn and Celia Richardson is: 1. Nathan5 Horn, born April 9, 1759 in Edgecombe County, NC29; died January 16, 1760 in Edgecombe County, NC. 1. Priscilla5 Horn, born May 20, 1762 in Edgecombe, NC30; died Abt. 1850 in Edgecomb County, N. Carolina31. Notes for Priscilla Horn: |
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