George is the father of my grandmother Mary Ann Schneider
George's tombstone in Calvary Cemetery
George's tombstone in Calvary Cemetery
Notice the spelling is "Schneider".
George A. Schneider
Born 31 Mar 1837 in Hesse, Darmstadat, Germany
Died 9 Apr 1912 in Techney, IL
Married: Maria Anna Dosch 12 Nov 1861 in DeKalb County IN. She was born 25 February 1844 in Avila, Nobel County, IN and died
24 April 1903 in Nashville, Davidson County, TN while in the hospital there. She was buried in Lawrence County TN. (Notice
the spelling of "Snider" in the marriage record.)

Marriage record
Maria Anna Dosch's tombstone in Calvary Cemetery
Margaret Mary Ann Mattern
Born: 22 March 1801 in Geinsheim, Gross-Gerau, Germany
Died: 11 May 1883 in Deerfield, Lawrence County TN
Buried: Lawrenceburg TN Calvary Cemetery
Thomas Schneider
Born about 1801 in Germany
Died: 14 October 1847 in Geinsheim, Gross-Gerau, Hessen, Germany
Mary Ann Schneider born 1 Jan 1865 in Goshen IN
Gottfried Schneider born 8 Nov 1866 in IN
John Aloysius Schneider born 17 Sep 1873 in Lawrence County TN
Joseph Peter Schneider born 12 Dec 1876 in Lawrence County TN
Theresa N. Schneider born 17 Sep 1882 in Lawrence County TN
1850 Federal Census
The US Census taken on 14 August 1850 shows George Snyder (age 12) living in Ward 3 Baltimore MD with his mother Margaret
(age 50), brother John (age 16), and sister Margaret(age 8). Note the spelling as "Snyder".

1860 Federal Census
The US Census taken on 20 July 1860 shows George Snyder (age 23), a Taylor (sic) living in Buffalo, NY in a
boarding house. Notice the spelling as "Snyder". It's likely that George was counted twice in the 1860 Census based
on his age, occupation, and place of birth all being the same in both Census records.
1860 Federal Census
The US Census taken on 19 June 1860 shows George Snyder (age 23) and his mother Margaret Snyder (age 60) living in Clifton,
Green County, OH. Notice the spelling as "Snyder". Green County OH is next door to Clark County OH where George Snyder
signed his naturalization papers in October of 1960.

1870 Federal Census
The 1870 US Census taken on 22 July 1870 in Allen Township (now Avila), Noble county IN shows George Schneider (age 31)
living with his wife Mary (age 26), their daughter Mary (age 5), and their son Goodfried (age 3). The last name now appears
as "Schnider". Next door are Mary's parents, John Dosh (age 66), John's wife Mary Ann (age 55), and their daughter Madgalena
(sic) (age 15)
1880 Federal Census
The U S Census taken 16 June 1880 in District 7 Lawrence County TN shows George (age 43) was listed along with his Mother
Margarett (age 80), his wife Mary (age 30), their daughter Mary (age 15), their son John (age 7), and their son Joseph (age
1). The last name is marked over and now appears to be written as "Schneider".


1900 Federal Census
The U S Census taken on 19 June 1900 in Civil District 7 Lawrence County TN shows George Schneider (age 62) with his
wife Mary (age (55), their daughter Mary (age 21), and their daughter Trecy (age 18).
Note: George lists birth date as Jan 1838.
George Schneider was the father of the wife of Bernard Henry Feldhaus, Jr., Mary Ann Schneider.
He was naturalized on October 1, 1860 in Springfield, Ohio, between Dayton and Columbus.
He arrived in the United States in 1846 according to the 1900 census which shows his birth date
as January 1838. That would make him 8 years old when he entered the U.S. So he was 74 years old when he died. However, notice
the last name is spelled "Snyder" in the 1850 Baltimore census and also in the naturatization paper below.
It is possible that Margaret's last name was Schneider in Germany and on arriving in the U.S. she
decided to adopt any Americanized version of the name, Snyder. However, later she reverted back to her original Schneider
spelling of the name.
According to Kathy Niedergeses, George was born in 1837 in Darmstdat or Hessen Germany and came
to the port of Baltimore around 1844 with his parents and siblings. They filtered down through Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky
before coming to Lawrence County.
Also, according to Kathy Niedergeses, George's mother was Margaret Anna Schneider and George wed Maria Anna Dosch
in 1861 in Noble County IN. Her father operated a boat on the Erie Canal at one time.
From the above census records, it appears that George was with his mother in Green County OH in June of 1860 and
in Buffalo NY in a boarding house in July of 1860 where the Erie Canal is located.
In October of 1861 he married Maria Anna Dosch 12 Nov 1861 in DeKalb County IN. It's possible that he met
her through her father if in fact he operated a boat on the Erie Canal.
Kathy says George's sister, Elizabeth, married
Bernhard Bosse and lived in Goshen, IN. Notice the witness Bengamin Bosse on George's naturalizaiton papers below.
Kathy says George's mother, Margaret Anna, was living in Lawrenceburg in 1880 and died there. Most likely she was buried
in Holy Faith cemetery near Deerfield. All remains in this cemetery were moved to Calvary cemetery in 2006.
The following information was in the Heritage of Lawrence County, Tennessee book in 2008. It includes a typo where Torrance
CA is spelled as Tarrance CA.

George Schneider's application for naturalization follows.

George Schneider was working in the fields on his farm in Deerfield, about ten miles west of Lawenceburg,
on April 24, 1903 when he saw an angle carrying something up to heaven and singing. He went to his daughter's house in Lawrenceburg
and told her he had to go to Nashville to see about his wife who was ill in the hospital there.
While on his way to
the depot, he was stopped by the priest who had just received a call from George's son John, who was working as an orderly
in the hospital, saying his wife had died. Mr. Schneider gave a santuary light and the statues of the kneeling angels that
sit on both sides in the front of the Sacred Heart Church in Lawrenceburg in memory of his wife.

When George's wife died, he apparently lost interest in farming. The below advertisement in the Democrat Union
on 23 Dec 2004 lists both a sale and purchase of acreage while the advertisement in the Democrat Union on 15 May 1906 lists
George Schneider's 290 acres of land for sale to satisfy delinquent taxes.

After George's wife Mary Ann died in 1903, he lived with his daughter Theresa and her husband Charles Kamarad until about
1905 when he left Lawrenceburg. He may have stayed with his sister Elizabeth in Indiana until he relocated to a Catholic
retirement center in Chicago by the name of Techny where he lived until he died in 1912. He did come back to Lawrenceburg
for his daughter's funeral.

Society of the Divine WordFor over a century,
Techny , a suburb on the northside of Chicago located between Glenview and
Northbrook has been the North American headquarters of the Society of the the
Divine Word (SVD), an international religious congregation, also known as the
Divine Word Missionaries.

Twenty years after founding the
Society of the Divine Word, St. Arnold Janssen dispatched the first group of Divine Word Missionaries to
the United States . They arrived in Hoboken , New Jersey in 1895.
Techny , Illinois was
the place
where the first Divine Word Missionaries who were sent to the United States by
St. Arnold Janssen settled in 1896. In 1909 the Society opened St. Mary's
Mission Seminary at Techny. This was the first seminary established in the U.S.
primarily to train men for the foreign missions.
Over the years Techny
has sent
hundreds of missionaries to the missions around the world. Although the
seminary training of future missionaries has been relocated to other places in
the United States, the financial, administrative, and pastoral activities
headquartered in Techny make it a central node to SVDs around the world.
Techny Towers
& Retreat Center is owned and operated by the Society of the Divine Word,
an order of 6,000 Catholic missionary priests and Brothers who serve the poor
in 67 countries. The abbreviation for our name, SVD, comes from the Latin
Societas Verbi Divini. We are popularly known as Divine Word Missionaries.
The Society
of the
Divine Word was founded in 1875 in Holland by Father Arnold Janssen. Some
brothers emigrated to Shermerville (now Northbrook) in 1897 and purchased
Russell Farm in 1899. In addition to farming, the brothers were extremely
skilled in the building trades. By 1901, they established St. Joseph Technical
School, the source of Techny’s name.
Techny is
home to
Society of the Divine Word’s Chicago Province governing personnel, as well as
the SVD’s Mission Office responsible for missionaries outside of the U.S.
Techny is also home to Techny Towers Conference & Retreat Center.
The Society
of the
Divine Word owned over 700 acres of land, known as Techny, until the late 1980s
when it realized that farming was no longer feasible. In 1988 the Society
decided to annex its land to Northbrook in exchange for police protection and
access to water. Some land was sold for residential development, and 42.23
acres of land was donated to the park district. Earlier, 168.75 acres had been
made available for a sanitary waste facility.
In 1989,
the Society and
the Village of Northbrook formally agreed that the village would annex all of
the Society’s land, with the exception of approximately 157 acres east of
Waukegan Road, which is reserved for the Society’s use. This section remains
Techny with its own post office and zip code.
or for
more information on the Society of the Divine Word.

The life story of Mary Ann Dosch, George A. Schneider's wife, is shown in the below summary from my