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from early Tennessee newspapers, 1794-1851 Silas Emmett Lucas Southern Historical Press, Jan 1, 1978 - 538 pages
Benjamin Philips' Will
Benjamin Philips Decd Will Recorded June 5th 1820
In the name of God Amen. I Benjamin Philips of the County of Davidson and State of Tennessee being in perfect
health of body and sound Disposition and memory, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following
(to wit)
First my will and desire is that my funeral expenses and all my lawful debts be
Item. I give unto my son Jesse Hinton Philips all the land be the same more or
less with all its monuments here determined and appertainanees (to wit) Beginning at the mouth of the Stone lick and running
up said branch until it intersects the line of the land I purchased of William Watkins where it crosses said branch, thence
east with said line to an elm and white ash, the Southwest corner of the land I purchased of James Hoggatt, thence with my
line with its variations to the beginning to his only use, benefit, and behoof his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give unto my son William Hinton Philips all the balance of my land whereon
I now live with all and singular the rights and privileges to him his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give unto my eldest Daughter Anne and John S. Williamson her
husband two negroes (to wit) Patience and Clary which they have
Item. I give unto my other two Daughters Rebecca and Eliza four young Negroes each
between twelve and twenty years of age, two girls, two boys each (when they marry or become of age as the case may be, to
their heirs and assigns forever –
Item. I give unto my Grand
Daughter Martha Anne Williamson two negroes to be between the ages of eight and twelve to her, her heirs and assigns forever,
Item. The balance of my negroes not otherwise appropriated I give unto my sons
and two Daughters Rebecca and Eliza to be equally divided among them as they may marry or become of age to them their heirs
and assigns forever. –
Item. If either of my sons above named should die before they become of lawful
age it is my will that the surviving brother shall receive all the Land bequeathed to the two him the Survivor paying to his
two sisters Rebecca and Eliza last named two thousand dollars, one thousand dollars each to be paid within two years from
and after such Decease to them their heirs and assigns each.
Item. It is my will that my distillery be equally divided together with my Mills
between my two sons to them their heirs and assigns forever.
Item. Have on good bed and furniture each to them their heirs and assigns forever.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty sixth day of December in the of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.
Signed sealed and delivered Benjamin Philips
Whitness of
Simon Johnson,
Robert Gillespie,
James Hinton
Philips deceased nuncupative
Will On motion
of John S. Williamson in favor of Benjamin F.
Williamson, his infant son to have the last will of Benj Philips altered by
a nuncupative
will in favor of said Benj F. giving of him two negros, to be elected by the
ex, of Benj Philips decd, of the same description that is given to John S.
Williamsons other child by the will of Benj Philips who died the (blank) day of
Jany 1820 & it being proven by Martha A. Williams & Olivo (?) Weeks all
parties being present that he decd at
his own residence of where he had resided many years in Davidson County (illegible)
before his death & in his last sickness made his nuncupative will in their presence
giving slaves as above stated to said Benj F. Williamson of the same
description as given to his sister by his testators written with all other
legal requisites being proven to the satisfaction of the court that said will was
duly made the court order that said will stand of record in favor of said
Benjamin F. Wiliamson that he have of the estate of Benj P decd, his
grandfather, two slaves of the same description given to said Benj F’s sister
in Benj P’s will - & that Jos Philips execute this will he being executor
to the written will of Benj Philips. State of
Tennessee Davidson County Court – April sessions
1820 The nuncupative
will of Benj Philips deceased was proven in
open court according to law by the oath of Olive Weeks and Martha A. Williams
ordered that the same be recorded.
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